We have two schedules S1&S2:
S1 = { , , ... }
S2 = { , , ... }
1. S1&S2 are sorted by the starting time.
2. There are no conflicts in S1 and S2 itself.
We try to find all the conflicts between these two schedules.
the basic idea is to merge sort to find the conflicts. the running time is
My code in python: (code is kind of messy)
def merge(a,b):
i, j = 0, 0
unconflict = []
conflict = []
while( i < len(a) and j if(a[i][0] <= b[j][0]):
add(a[i], unconflict, conflict)
i = i + 1
add(b[j], unconflict, conflict)
j = j + 1
while(i < len(a)):
add(a[i], unconflict, conflict)
i = i + 1
while(j < len(b)):
add(b[j], unconflict, conflict)
j = j + 1
def add(p, unconflict, conflict):
if len(unconflict):
if p[0] < unconflict[-1][1] :
print("Conflicts between ", unconflict[-1], p)
if len(conflict):
if p[0] < conflict[-1][1]:
print("Conflicts between ",
conflict[-1], p)
else: conflict.append(p)
else: conflict.append(p)
if len(conflict):
if p[0] < conflict[-1][1]:
print("Conflicts between ",
conflict[-1], p)
else: unconflict.append(p)
a = [(1,2), (4,5),(6,7),(8,9),(9,10),(11,23)]
b = [(1,3),(4,8),(8,11)]
Conflicts between (1, 2) (1, 3)
Conflicts between (4, 5) (4, 8)
Conflicts between (4, 8) (6, 7)
Conflicts between (8, 9) (8, 11)
Conflicts between (8, 11) (9, 10)