how to charge commission for trades of stocks ? (转载)
how to charge commission for trades of stocks ? (转载)# JobHunting - 待字闺中
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发信人: mitcar (mitcar), 信区: Quant
标 题: how to charge commission for trades of stocks ?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 17 22:24:38 2012, 美东)
I am new to stock trading. So, I have a basic question about how to charge
commission for trades of stocks.
This is an example question abstracted from an interview, which has been
done .
Commission is charged for customers when they trade .
An order can be broken up into several trades.
The commission is based on the number of shares executed for the order.
How to compute the commission for the trades below:
Commission Schedule
<= 500 shares .013/share
> 500 shares .008/share
Order Number Symbol Quantity Commission
1 IBM 450 ?
1 IBM 150 ?
3 INTC -500 ?
4 KO 1,000 ?
4 KO -950 ?
My solution:
Order Number Symbol Quantity Commission
1 IBM 450 450 * 0.013
1 IBM 150 150 * 0.013
3 INTC -500 500 * 0.013
4 KO 1,000 1000 * 0.008
4 KO -950 950 * 0.008
No matter buy or sell, the commission should be charge for each trade. So,
they should not be charged by combining the same stock trade.
For example, IBM should not be charged by 450+150 = 600. It should be
charged for 2 trades separately.
I doubt that KO's 1000 should be charged by 500 * 0.013 + 500 * 0.008 for
the trade 1000 ?
it depends on how to understand the Commission Schedule
<= 500 shares .013/share
> 500 shares .008/share
For a 1000 shares trade, it is charged by 500 * 0.013 + (1000 - 500) * 0.008
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks !