TripAdvsior 面经 (完败)# JobHunting - 待字闺中
1 楼
phone #1: Given the head node of a singly linked list of characters, write
an efficient program to remove all nodes containing vowels.
phone #2: Given a character array (char[] input) that contains "words"
separated by spaces, create a function to reverse the words in the array.
For example, given ['H', 'i', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'] produce ['W', 'o
', 'r', 'l', 'd', ' ', 'H', 'i']. For the purposes of this problem the input
will contain only letters and spaces. Be sure your solution tolerates
leading, trailing, and multiple spaces.
onsite #1:
Given (int type, Filter test), find all hotels of this given type that
matches this filter.
Followup: How do you optimize your solution for scalability.
onsite #2:
Q1: Given a sentence, capitalize the first letter of each word in the
Ex. input="this is a sentence"
ouput="This Is A Sentence"
Q2:Implement the insertion method for Binary Search Tree
Q3: Given a binary tree, implement a method to calculate the sum of all
nodes of a given depth。
onsite #3:
Q1: Find the kth largest element in two sorted arrays.
Q2: Given a large file of numbers or a continous stream of numbers, find the
kth largest number.(这道题不用写code,光讨论就可以了)
onsite #4:
第四轮的面试官是个Director of Engineering (日本华人). 本来要见得是VP of
Engineering, 但VP当时在开会。
Q1: 问了好多Java questions (答得不好).
Ex. C++的multiple inheritance有什么缺陷?
Java为什么不支持multiple inheritance?
Java的interface解决了multiple inheritance的那些缺点?
Object class 有什么method?
Q2: Given a binary tree, where for each depth, the nodes are in ascending
order, reorder the nodes in descending order. The input might or might not
be a binary search tree .
Ex. 6 6
3 8 -> 8 3
1 4 5 9 9 5 4 1
onsite #5 HR面: 第四轮结束后HR问我要不要等十分钟然后去见一下另外一个HR谈三
十分钟给一些feedback,但我需要赶飞机回温哥华就没有面另外这个HR. HR说没问题可
以下礼拜在电话上谈三十分钟. 最后我等了一个礼拜也没有收到HR的电话。
an efficient program to remove all nodes containing vowels.
phone #2: Given a character array (char[] input) that contains "words"
separated by spaces, create a function to reverse the words in the array.
For example, given ['H', 'i', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'] produce ['W', 'o
', 'r', 'l', 'd', ' ', 'H', 'i']. For the purposes of this problem the input
will contain only letters and spaces. Be sure your solution tolerates
leading, trailing, and multiple spaces.
onsite #1:
Given (int type, Filter test), find all hotels of this given type that
matches this filter.
Followup: How do you optimize your solution for scalability.
onsite #2:
Q1: Given a sentence, capitalize the first letter of each word in the
Ex. input="this is a sentence"
ouput="This Is A Sentence"
Q2:Implement the insertion method for Binary Search Tree
Q3: Given a binary tree, implement a method to calculate the sum of all
nodes of a given depth。
onsite #3:
Q1: Find the kth largest element in two sorted arrays.
Q2: Given a large file of numbers or a continous stream of numbers, find the
kth largest number.(这道题不用写code,光讨论就可以了)
onsite #4:
第四轮的面试官是个Director of Engineering (日本华人). 本来要见得是VP of
Engineering, 但VP当时在开会。
Q1: 问了好多Java questions (答得不好).
Ex. C++的multiple inheritance有什么缺陷?
Java为什么不支持multiple inheritance?
Java的interface解决了multiple inheritance的那些缺点?
Object class 有什么method?
Q2: Given a binary tree, where for each depth, the nodes are in ascending
order, reorder the nodes in descending order. The input might or might not
be a binary search tree .
Ex. 6 6
3 8 -> 8 3
1 4 5 9 9 5 4 1
onsite #5 HR面: 第四轮结束后HR问我要不要等十分钟然后去见一下另外一个HR谈三
十分钟给一些feedback,但我需要赶飞机回温哥华就没有面另外这个HR. HR说没问题可
以下礼拜在电话上谈三十分钟. 最后我等了一个礼拜也没有收到HR的电话。