interesting stats for the top internet companies.
interesting stats for the top internet companies.# JobHunting - 待字闺中
" This data was compiled looking at the top 30 Internet companies (as
measured by my own opinion -- clearly an area for debate) and comparing
their engineering team size at the end of June of 2013 and at the end of
December 2013. I then extrapolated their engineering growth rate to an
annual number and ranked the companies according to growth rate."
Engs (June) Engs (Dec) Growth
Pinterest 47 73 110.64%
Pandora 65 93 86.15%
Square 128 169 64.06%
BrightRoll 49 64 61.22%
Twitter 544 693 54.78%
LinkedIn 680 853 50.88%
Yelp 106 130 45.28%
WorkDay 275 333 42.18%
Groupon 215 253 35.35%
Box 162 190 34.57%
DropBox 103 119 31.07%
Facebook 1314 1473 24.20%
Apple 5026 5528 19.98%
Palantir 329 360 18.84%
AppNexus 76 83 18.42%
Salesforce 811 884 18.00%
Evernote 57 62 17.54%
Zillow 71 77 16.90%
Amazon 4200 4519 15.19%
eBay 1321 1420 14.99%
Google 9096 9753 14.45%
Etsy 88 94 13.64%
Marketo 63 66 9.52%
Airbnb 50 52 8.00%
Yahoo 1512 1571 7.80%
Domo 49 49 0.00%
Gilt Groupe 72 69 -8.33%
AOL 592 559 -11.15%
Electronic Arts 612 564 -15.69%
Zynga 521 447 -28.41%
Average 956 1,020 25.67%
Let's Talk About Money
If what I am saying is true, then it is fair to assume that world class
engineers are in high demand and are worth far more than the average
Internet (or any for that matter) company believes. To put this in a
monetary context, let's look at the companies in our top 30 list and measure
the ratio of market capitalization per engineer.
Market Cap $ per Eng
Google 9753 370,000,000,000 $37,937,045
Apple 5528 497,000,000,000 $89,905,933
Amazon 4519 181,000,000,000 $40,053,109
Yahoo 1571 18,555,000,000 $11,810,948
Facebook 1473 133,910,000,000 $90,909,708
eBay 1420 69,800,000,000 $49,154,930
Salesforce 884 $0
LinkedIn 853 24,690,000,000 $28,944,900
Twitter 693 36,280,000,000 $52,352,092
Electronic Arts 564 $0
AOL 559 3,510,000,000 $6,279,070
Zynga 447 3,210,000,000 $7,181,208
Palantir 360 $0
WorkDay 333 14,290,000,000 $42,912,913
Groupon 253 $0
Box 190 $0
Square 169 $0
Yelp 130 4,450,000,000 $34,230,769
DropBox 119 $0
Etsy 94 $0
Pandora 93 5,186,600,000 $55,769,892
AppNexus 83 $0
Zillow 77 $0
Pinterest 73 $0
Gilt Groupe 69 $0
Marketo 66 1,450,000,000 $21,969,697
BrightRoll 64 $0
Evernote 62 $0
Airbnb 52 $0
Domo 49 $0
Average 1020 97,380,828,571 $18,980,407