dropbox values at $10B....


【在 S*******w 的大作中提到】
: 恭喜在box的同胞们
-- To our best knowledge, BOX does not use Amazon.com AWS, it uses its own
servers at co-location centers like Rackspace...so BOX cost structure will
always be to their competitive disadvantage
-- BOX lacks an Anchor:
Investors should not get carried away by looking at the BOX metrics ... of
the Paying organizations, Registered users, Content interactions etc ...
these metrics are meaningless
The real metric that matters...BOX just does not talk about...."How much
total storage have all the customers put in BOX,....and how much of that is
'HOT', how much of that is 'WARM' and how much is 'COLD" and how has it
changed over time
How many customers are using BOX API's and building custom Apps on top of
BOX...and how are the trends.......BTW, BOX charging for API's is a
strategic mistake
-- BOX just does not have a winning recipe:
The only way BOX will survive as a company is if for every $1 the customer
spends on BOX, that customer is also spending at least $4 in creating a
custom APP on BOX

dropbox values at $10B....

【在 N****s 的大作中提到】
: dropbox values at $10B....
: 恭喜在box的同胞们



【在 N****s 的大作中提到】
: -- To our best knowledge, BOX does not use Amazon.com AWS, it uses its own
: servers at co-location centers like Rackspace...so BOX cost structure will
: always be to their competitive disadvantage
: -- BOX lacks an Anchor:
: Investors should not get carried away by looking at the BOX metrics ... of
: the Paying organizations, Registered users, Content interactions etc ...
: these metrics are meaningless
: The real metric that matters...BOX just does not talk about...."How much
: total storage have all the customers put in BOX,....and how much of that is
: 'HOT', how much of that is 'WARM' and how much is 'COLD" and how has it


【在 S*******w 的大作中提到】
: 恭喜在box的同胞们
Because that's best for the business and its shareholders due to simple
Gross profits at now + time t are current revenue * growth ^ t * gross
margin where gross margin is ((revenue - cost of goods sold) / revenue)
Generally it's much better for startups to devote resources to increasing
growth as the exponent base than reducing cost of goods sold which merely
multiplies the effects of the exponentation with a limit somewhere below a
100% gross margin.
Forbes estimated Dropbox revenue on track to hit $240M in 2011 and nearly
$500M in 2012 which is 108.3% year-over-year growth or 6.3% monthly.
At that growth rate they'll end 2015 with a $4.5B annual run rate.
At the same point in 2011 and1% lower growth rate or 5.3% monthly they'd
have gotten to $446M in 2012 and end 2015 at $2.7B
At 1% more or 7.3% monthly their current revenues would have been $558M in
2012 and end 2015 at $7.1B.
It'd take a 37% cost reduction to increase profits the same amount by year-
end 2015 although with net profit being what's left after sales and
marketing costs that's not going to happen. Another year of growth makes it
74% and then we depart from what's mathematically possible.
Simple arithmetic aside, growth rate is also important as the mechanism
which wins land grabs. DropBox is fighting Google Drive, Apple's iCloud,
and potentially a post-Balmer Microsoft SkyDrive which plays nice outside
the Microsoft ecosystem.
Dropbox and other startups are usually better off dedicating engineering
resources to features that increase growth instead of cutting costs of
goods sold via things like a lower cost alternative to Amazon Web Services.
They're also usually better off spending money growing marketing to increase
growth rate than engineering and/or operations to increase gross margin.
They're generally better off closing the feedback loop on riskier but
potentially more significant improvements (as in bigger addressable markets
and more organic growth from each customer) than the more bounded gains
from cost of goods sold reduction. More years of higher growth will have a
huge compounding effect and when they bet wrong they can try the next high-
risk high-reward improvement.
As startups these things are more important due to the time value of money.
Early $10M can be half the company while later in life it should drop below
the noise floor. Deferring things which don't need to be done for survival
or to increase growth can allow less dilution with bigger wins for the
founders, employees, and investors.
Once close enough to the natural limits of their markets without others to
exploit and with the land grab won Dropbox will focus on reducing costs of
goods sold for better gross margins and profits at which point data centers
without Amazon's profits may win.

【在 x*****a 的大作中提到】
: BOX有啥前途?感觉个人用户没几个用的
股版一哥们早就发帖说靠BOX ipo 发了一笔小财
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