Rumor: 果果要造车了# JobHunting - 待字闺中
RUMOR: Apple has poached a bunch of people from Tesla, and it IS making a
Apple may be developing a car, as unlikely as that sounds.
Bryan Chaffin, cofounder of Apple site The Mac Observer, says he is "certain
" Apple is working on a car after talking to sources.
Chaffin was following up on our report from Monday. An Apple employee told
us the company was working on something in "vehicle development" that would
"give Tesla a run for its money."
Chaffin reported the following:
What I learned is that Apple has been looking for—and acquiring—the kind
of people from Tesla with expertise that is most suited to cars. So much so
that I went from being a doubter to a believer almost instantly.
From another source who travels in more rarified circles than yours truly, I
also learned that a lot of people at the top in Silicon Valley consider it
a given that Apple is working on a car. This is circumstantial, at best, but
if you're going to crowd-source wisdom, you could do a lot worse than
polling the C-suite.
I should add that when I asked one of my sources flat out to put a
percentage chance on Apple working on an actual car—rather than some kind
of car-related technology—I was told, "80 percent."
When coupled with everything I've learned since, I'm personally closer to
100 percent.
We've reached out to Apple for comment on this story and will update it if
we hear back. Apple did not return requests for comment on our initial story
on this.
While Apple making a car seems strange, it wouldn't be the first time Apple
has considered it. Last year board member Mickey Drexler said Steve Jobs
wanted to design an iCar.
And, Apple blogger John Gruber added, "I know a lot of people at Apple, at
all levels of the company, who love watches. I also know many who love cars."
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