Bloomberg 面经# JobHunting - 待字闺中
1 楼
How many distinct path to go from left upper corner to bottom right corner
in a matrix. input(row, col) --原题在glassdoor上都能找到的。
follow up 存这个中间结果矩阵啥的浪费空间,是否可以压缩一下。
How to save the internal results . -- In hashmap
How to implement the hash map key/values what the structure, how to
override hashcode & equals
deep structure of hashmap
Build the own equals method and talk about hashcode
What happened if there using default hashcode and equals method
equals 结构:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o instance of ***) {
if( this. *** )
给了一道题要check generic type
因为type 不对,所以应该输出 compile error
给出top 10 个linux command --Unix/Linux 是其中一个要求
public double power(double n, int p)
1 Design tiny URL then talk about how to design distributed web app system
2. SQL and database table questions. 设计个图书馆需要的表格,写一些sql找到某
3. Given a String, mark all words/sign/digis as W, S and D print out the
words and Type
4. Using linkedList to achieve a stack function.
5. How to achieve a Singleton with read/write access control
6. Find out similar between two set -- set.retainAll
7. Code insert into heap
经验是简历上面的每个算法啥的都会问,会问你给我介绍下XXX, 写个公式啥的。我自
己对之前的东西准备的不充分,也该挂... 每轮1小时两个人问,茫茫多问题,写的很
How many distinct path to go from left upper corner to bottom right corner
in a matrix. input(row, col) --原题在glassdoor上都能找到的。
follow up 存这个中间结果矩阵啥的浪费空间,是否可以压缩一下。
How to save the internal results . -- In hashmap
How to implement the hash map key/values what the structure, how to
override hashcode & equals
deep structure of hashmap
Build the own equals method and talk about hashcode
What happened if there using default hashcode and equals method
equals 结构:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o instance of ***) {
if( this. *** )
给了一道题要check generic type
因为type 不对,所以应该输出 compile error
给出top 10 个linux command --Unix/Linux 是其中一个要求
public double power(double n, int p)
1 Design tiny URL then talk about how to design distributed web app system
2. SQL and database table questions. 设计个图书馆需要的表格,写一些sql找到某
3. Given a String, mark all words/sign/digis as W, S and D print out the
words and Type
4. Using linkedList to achieve a stack function.
5. How to achieve a Singleton with read/write access control
6. Find out similar between two set -- set.retainAll
7. Code insert into heap
经验是简历上面的每个算法啥的都会问,会问你给我介绍下XXX, 写个公式啥的。我自
己对之前的东西准备的不充分,也该挂... 每轮1小时两个人问,茫茫多问题,写的很