2 楼
[在 flgtspd (flgtspd) 的大作中提到:]
[在 flgtspd (flgtspd) 的大作中提到:]
5 楼
7 楼
common or preferred? anyone buying common at this price has too much money.
What are the alternatives to this "investment"?
- buy $250k powerball lottery tickets. the jackpot just hit $1.5B.
- buy speculative public equity. if you believe a taxi-hailing company could
eventually rule all human transportation (from a $62.5B valuation), it's
not a stretch to believe NFLX could eventually rule all human media
consumption, or CRM could eventually rule all enterprise applications.
【在 f*****d 的大作中提到】
: 最低投资额度:25万
: 每股价格:48.72
What are the alternatives to this "investment"?
- buy $250k powerball lottery tickets. the jackpot just hit $1.5B.
- buy speculative public equity. if you believe a taxi-hailing company could
eventually rule all human transportation (from a $62.5B valuation), it's
not a stretch to believe NFLX could eventually rule all human media
consumption, or CRM could eventually rule all enterprise applications.
【在 f*****d 的大作中提到】
: 最低投资额度:25万
: 每股价格:48.72
8 楼
common or preferred? anyone buying common at this price has too much money.
What are the ........
【在 n******h 的大作中提到】
: common or preferred? anyone buying common at this price has too much money.
: What are the alternatives to this "investment"?
: - buy $250k powerball lottery tickets. the jackpot just hit $1.5B.
: - buy speculative public equity. if you believe a taxi-hailing company could
: eventually rule all human transportation (from a $62.5B valuation), it's
: not a stretch to believe NFLX could eventually rule all human media
: consumption, or CRM could eventually rule all enterprise applications.
common or preferred? anyone buying common at this price has too much money.
What are the ........
【在 n******h 的大作中提到】
: common or preferred? anyone buying common at this price has too much money.
: What are the alternatives to this "investment"?
: - buy $250k powerball lottery tickets. the jackpot just hit $1.5B.
: - buy speculative public equity. if you believe a taxi-hailing company could
: eventually rule all human transportation (from a $62.5B valuation), it's
: not a stretch to believe NFLX could eventually rule all human media
: consumption, or CRM could eventually rule all enterprise applications.
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