Zenefits cracks down on frat-house culture: No more booze,
Zenefits cracks down on frat-house culture: No more booze,# JobHunting - 待字闺中
Zenefits’s new chief executive, David Sacks, last week banned alcohol in
the office of the health-insurance brokerage startup as he tries to reverse
its rambunctious culture, especially among sales staff.
But it wasn’t just drinking booze that gave the San Francisco headquarters
a frat-house feel.
Last June, Emily Agin, the company’s director of real estate and workplace
services, sent a note to San Francisco-based employees to cut out crude
behavior, lest the company lose access to the building’s stairwells.
The email, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, read in part:
“It has been brought to our attention by building management and Security
that the stairwells are being used inappropriately....Cigarettes, plastic
cups filled with beer, and several used condoms were found in the stairwell.
Yes, you read that right. Do not use the stairwells to smoke, drink, eat,
or have sex. Please respect building and company policy and use common sense
Also read: Zenefits CEO steps down over compliance questions
In a series of memos to staff this month, Sacks said it is important to
cultivate a more mature work atmosphere befitting a company in the highly
regulated health-insurance industry. In a note to staff on Wednesday
instituting a new alcohol policy, Sacks said “it is too difficult to define
and parse what is ‘appropriate’ versus ‘inappropriate’ drinking in the
In a statement on Monday, Zenefits spokesman Kenneth Baer said: “As
Zenefits’ new CEO has made clear, it is time to turn the page at Zenefits
and embrace a new set of corporate values and culture.”