outsourcing 抢走了多少h-1b | 长文慎入
outsourcing 抢走了多少h-1b | 长文慎入# JobHunting - 待字闺中
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索E-Verify和支持H-1B VISA的相关职位!
The H-1B is a non-immigrant visa or called a work permit, which allows U.S.
employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations.
For most of the U.S. international students, H-1B visa is the most
significant legal way to work in the U.S. H-1B work-authorization is
strictly limited to employment by the sponsoring employer. Without H-1b visa
, full-time offers will become just pieces of paper, which causes both
economic and talent loss.
To people who want to immigrate or get green card, getting H-1B visa is not
only a work permit, but also an effective path to gain Employment Based
Green Card – EB1, EB2, and EB3 or process immigration. Since H1B visa
holders can stay and work in the United States for a maximum of 6 years,
they can reach the limit to apply for permanent residency, also known as a
Green Card. Besides, immigration through employment also need the H-1b visa.
Last year, when international students are still crying for the crisis of
OPT delay, a message is spreading in different study abroad websites: “More
than 60% of Indian students can get the H1B work visa while only 6% of
Chinese students can get it, yet the number of Chinese students is 2 ~ 3
times of the former.”
osc1a osc1b
Source: Computerworld analysis of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
data, 2014
Each year, generally on April 1st, the H-1B season commences for the
following federal fiscal year, employment authorizations are granted on
October 1st. Due to a pre-employment application limit window of six months,
the first weekday in April is the earliest that an applicant may legally
apply for the next year’s allotment of cap-subject H-1B so every April 1st,
the H1B application is like a fierce battle or an unpredictable lottery.
Even under such severe situation, 70% Indians got the H1B visa in 2014 and
the pass rate of science and technology companies applying for H1B for
Indian employees has reached 86%. High percentage apparently was not only
really on a fortune of winning a lottery. There are three main reasons why
they become winners in drawing of lots leaving us in the dust.
1.STEM Major Advantage
American employers are looking for a large number of STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math) talents, so STEM major graduates have
more opportunities to get the work permit than business, liberal arts
A comparison about the choice of college majors between India and China can
tell a lot, as the latter also have lots of international students.
According to the IIE (i.e., the Institute of International Education)
released data, these are fields of study of Chinese students in 2014/15
academic year:
And these are fields of study of India students in 2014/15 academic year:
About 41% Chinese students chose STEM to study, while up to 77% Indian
students chose STEAM, as twice as the number of the former. Therefore,
immigration attorneys take a multiple larger number of H-1B cases for Indian
students than others.
In addition, a great number of Indian elites, including many executives in
Silicon Valley, have accepted undergraduate education in India before going
to the United States for further study, which formed soild mathematics and
computer background. About half of excellent Indian engineers come from the
same university: Indian institute of technology. This amazing university is
known as the most top school in the science field, with an acceptance rate
less than 2%, which is even much lower than Harvard University. The
advantage of STEM proportion plus a solid foundation in science and
engineering – no wonder immigration lawyers are taking charge lots of
Indian students rather than other international students.
Source: NYTimes
2. Forming an India Force
In many online media websites like Quora and Youtube, people talk about how
Indian gather their groups in the IT industry, which makes them more
flexible and initiative than other foreigners in the workplace. A Chinese
programmer, who has worked in Silicon Valley for more than a decade,
directly said that Indian have their cliques. They usually select one person
to be the director who leads the whole team then recruiting more Indians to
strengthen their force. While Chinese are used to fight by oneself, lacking
Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer of Google
As a result, the usual phenomena in the field of high-tech is “CEO –
Americans, executives – Indians, engineers – Chinese + Indians”. The
Indian force is expanding in Silicon Valley. The number of Indian executives
is increasing in top companies, for example, Microsoft CEO Satya Della and
Google CEO Sundar Pichai all come from India. Only consider about Microsoft
and Google, Indian executives have been in charge of the market
capitalization of $800 billion.
According to a comprehensive survey by University of California, Berkeley
and Stanford university in Silicon Valley, companies led by Indian have
accounted for 33.2% by 2012. Only 6% of the population in Silicon Valley in
the United States were Indians while they have founded 15.5% of the
companies there. ( This number is larger than the sum of Britain, China, and Japan founders but Indian immigrants comprised much less than 1% of U.S. population at the time.
A study of Indian style management by University of St. Gallen in
Switzerland concluded that Indian executives tend to participatory
management and build a very profound relationship with subordinates (Source: This kind of management style may come from the apprentice tradition of India, to create an emotional connection between the superior and subordinate. “The leadership style traditionally employed in India fostered an emotional bond between superiors and subordinates,” the 2004 study said. “The feeling that the company genuinely cares for its employees, provided a strong bond of loyalty that went beyond financial rewards.”
A study by Southern New Hampshire university claimed that the style of
Indian executives is that superiors will consider very sincerely for
subordinates. This tends to establish strong loyalty between them, even
beyond the salary reward. As early as in the age of Sabeer Bhatia (one of
the founders of Hotmail), Indian engineers and entrepreneurs have started to
wider their successful effect in Silicon Valley, which builds a strong
Indian network in the United States base on the accumulation of generations.
With the efforts of several generations of Indian businesspeople, they have
actually created a benign circle in Valley, including referral networking
and setting up of investment to help Indian rookies. An article in The
Economic Times of India said that the first generation of Indian immigrants
made great efforts to earn this status. They realized that others would face
the same dilemma, so they need to clique if they want to break through.
Predecessors break many barriers and provide many experiences for others,
opening the door of opportunity.
3. Outsourcing Companies Are Gaming
On November 10th, the New York Times published two articles — “Large
Companies Game H-1B Visa Program, Costing the U.S. Jobs” and “How
Outsourcing Companies Are Gaming the Visa System”, reporting how Indian
made preemption in H1B lottery.
Simply speaking, several large global outsourcing companies submit a lot of
applications to the application system, which significantly improved the
success rate.
Federal records show that outsourcing companies are more and more dominant
in the visa application. In 2014, researchers and lawyers believe that these
companies have mastered the method of manipulating H1B system without
violating any rule in recent years. They have received tens of thousands of
visa while officials only issued 85,000 visas each year.
This is related data about 13 outsourcing companies took nearly one-third of
all H-1B visas in 2014.
According to 2016 H1B Visa Report by Three (Infosys, Tata
Consultancy and Wipro) in the first five companies are outsourcing companies.
Ron Shearer, a professor in a visa study program in Harvard, has analyzed of
federal records. It showed that thirteen companies, in the twenty companies
that received most H1B visa in 2014, were global outsourcing companies.
They took away a third of the work visas, and other more than ten thousands
employers got much less visa. In 2014, nearly half applications were
rejected because the quota was full.
Shearer found that companies that received more visa in recent years include
outsourcing giant Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in India, Infosys, Wipro,
Cognizant and Ireland’s global outsourcing company Accenture. The top five
outsourcing companies prepared a total of up to 55,000 H1b visa
applications. TCS prepared at least 14,000 applications, and 5,650 of them
These global companies indicated that they followed all the rules when
applying for visas. Benjamin Trounson, a spokesman from TCS, said that the
company had used “our talent pool in the United States and the world” to
look for candidates who followed most of the requirements. This company is
one of the world’s largest consulting firms, with 325,000 employees around
the world.
NYTimes talks a story about Théo Négri, a young software engineer from
France, is the direct victims owing to outsourcing companies’ game. The
French engineer got an offer from a startup company called BuildZoom but his
visa application was rejected. Then Négri canvassed the relevant laws and
regulations, finding that each application for H1B submitted cost about $
4000. The number of applications submitted by outsourcing companies was far
beyond what small companies like BuildZoom could afford.
How could these Indian outsourcing companies repeat application? Due to the
reasons including the draw of H1B visas is by positions, the system record
can not be shown to the public and there is no censorship of repeat submit.
Many outsourcing companies have been exploiting the loopholes, immigration
lawyers at these companies help same employee to submit multiple copies of
the application materials. A netizen said that he was astonished to see an
Indian submitting 12 copies of files. In addition, each H1B application
needs LCA (Labor Condition Application) for the position as well as the
applicant’s resume to show job qualifications. Outsourcing companies used
fake resumes and fabrication of positions to apply for H1B, making employers
difficult to assess the validity of resumes, leading to lower wages of the
true talent.
In fact, the U.S. department of labor investigated the irregularities about
H1B visa two biggest technology firms in India this June. The department
received a report claiming that Infosys and Tata consultancy services
provided a wide range of international employees for the electric power
supply company southern California Edison by H1B visa program and replaced
hundreds of native Americans’ jobs. However, it was not the first charge
that Indian outsourcing companies had received. Infosys was on the court in
both 2012 and 2013, but the court could not find out any error of law about
Infosys’s applications which made many copies of H1B application every time.
Nevertheless, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services also has a
contradictory attitude: on the one hand, it alerts the possibilities of
fraud appearing in H-1B application and the immigration law, even built FDNS
(Fraud Detection and National Security). On the other hand, it denies the
advantage of outsourcing companies. Shinichi Inouye, the spokesman of
Citizenship and Immigration Services, said “the selected process is
compeletly random, we cannot speculate as to why one company has more
petitions selected in the cap.” Moreover, in the first half year, White
House petition for preventing submitting repeat applications for H1B became
invalid due to the deficiency quorum.
Highlight 部分重要信息:
对比烙印和中国人拿到H1B的比例:“More than 60% of Indian students can get
the H1B work visa while only 6% of Chinese students can get it, yet the
number of Chinese students is 2 ~ 3 times of the former.”
烙印多数选的是STEM专业:“About 41% Chinese students chose STEM to study,
while up to 77% Indian students chose STEAM, as twice as the number of the
烙印自己创业然后雇用自己人:“According to a comprehensive survey by
University of California, Berkeley and Stanford university in Silicon Valley
, companies led by Indian have accounted for 33.2% by 2012. Only 6% of the
population in Silicon Valley in the United States were Indians while they
have founded 15.5% of the companies there.”
烙印有保护自己的outsourcing公司:“Shearer found that companies that
received more visa in recent years include outsourcing giant Tata
Consultancy Services (TCS) in India, Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant and Ireland’
s global outsourcing company Accenture. The top five outsourcing companies
prepared a total of up to 55,000 H1b visa applications. TCS prepared at
least 14,000 applications, and 5,650 of them passed.”
我们自己也有原因:“A Chinese programmer, who has worked in Silicon Valley
for more than a decade, directly said that Indian have their cliques. They
usually select one person to be the director who leads the whole team then
recruiting more Indians to strengthen their force. While Chinese are used to
fight by oneself, lacking solidarity.”
原来美国政府不能识别重复申请? 就是这么简单的原因让印度人抢走了大部分份额?
How could these Indian outsourcing companies repeat application? Due to the
reasons including the draw of H1B visas is by positions, the system record
can not be shown to the public and there is no censorship of repeat submit.
如果说烙印做了CEO,MANAGER 后雇佣自己人,这个绝对赞同。


【在 p*******0 的大作中提到】
: Highlight 部分重要信息:
: 对比烙印和中国人拿到H1B的比例:“More than 60% of Indian students can get
: the H1B work visa while only 6% of Chinese students can get it, yet the
: number of Chinese students is 2 ~ 3 times of the former.”
: 烙印多数选的是STEM专业:“About 41% Chinese students chose STEM to study,
: while up to 77% Indian students chose STEAM, as twice as the number of the
: former.”
: 烙印自己创业然后雇用自己人:“According to a comprehensive survey by
: University of California, Berkeley and Stanford university in Silicon Valley
: , companies led by Indian have accounted for 33.2% by 2012. Only 6% of the

在印度这本来就是产业。 烙印钱钱不敢跑的。 一路贷款到美国上学,推荐工作,还钱
,然后形成了一个良性的产业带。 不敢想到哪个CCC能这样规模的运人。 中国人根本
pro: 共赢!老板姓顺利移民美国,企业赚取高利润,政府拿到更多tax,国家科技力量
con: 会形成恶性竞争,因为h1b总数是有限的,而且受到美国就业形势影响

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 11

【在 p*******0 的大作中提到】
: @xiaok1981
: 同意,据我了解,印度政府银行什么的是大力支持的!据说,只要进入tata什么的,就
: 可以很容易拿到贷款,听上去觉得他们太傻叉了,是么?真的是这样么?往下看...
: 而tata这些企业,把他们搬来之后,通过剥削工资,可以拿到很高的profit,然后再给
: 印度政府交税,这是一个很好的生态圈!这也是为什么他们很容易拿到贷款,这是我们
: 老祖宗说的“大智若愚”!
: pro: 共赢!老板姓顺利移民美国,企业赚取高利润,政府拿到更多tax,国家科技力量
: 迅速提升!值得学习!
: con: 会形成恶性竞争,因为h1b总数是有限的,而且受到美国就业形势影响
: 希望大家多讨论,能总结出一些解决办法


【在 F*******4 的大作中提到】
: 有美国学位和没有美国学位的h1b分开算名额就行了
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 11


【在 a****e 的大作中提到】
: 烙印自己创业然后雇用自己人,这个有大数据支持么?
: 如果说烙印做了CEO,MANAGER 后雇佣自己人,这个绝对赞同。
: 烙印自己创业然后雇用自己人,就像老中愿意给老中老板打工一样,听着就不靠谱。
: Valley
