如何准备教职面试中的演讲# JobHunting - 待字闺中
How To Do a Research Talk for Job Interview
Hey, it’s Dr. Liu here again. In this video I will show you how to do a
research talk for an academic position job interview.
First of all, we need to be clear about the objective of a job talk. The No.
1 objective is not to demonstrate you competence. It is not another defense
of your work. The No 1 objective is to persuade the employer that you are a
good fit for the position being advertised. You must demonstrate your
ability to contribute to the institution, and your ability and willingness
to collaborate as a potential colleague. What matters is not only your
qualification, but also your maturity, flexibility, and maybe teaching
ability. The fact that you are invited to do the interview means that the
employer has already accepted your qualification. Now it is time to focus on
something more specific.
Therefore, I suggest to include the following three key parts in a typical
job talk. The first part is about them. It is about the institution, and the
position being advertised. Before we talk about our qualifications, we ‘d
better talk about them first. There are two reasons to do that. First, it
will demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job. The employer needs to know you
are serious bout the job, you really like the job and plan to stay here if
they hire you. They do not want to hire a person who is likely to leave
whenever there is another better option, after they have made an investment
in you. Second, your knowledge on the institution and the position can also
demonstrate your ability to do some basic research.
In this part, you want to image you are already part of them, think in their
position. In order to do that, before you go to the interview, you need to
research the position, research the institution as much as possible. What is
going on in the institution? What are the core facilities in this
institution? What are the goals of the department, or the college? You may
want to identify at least one challenge they are facing. What you can do to
help them to achieve their goal? Give them your vision for the future. The
key is to demonstrate that you have done your homework. You want to make the
audience believe that you understand this department, understand its goal,
and you are eager to make a contribution. Preparing one presentation and
hope it will work for job talks for different positions will not work. You
always need to tailor your talk to the specific position, and make it clear
you really want the job.
In the second part, you talk about yourself. You want to highlight your
strength that is relevant to the specific position. You do not need to talk
everything you have done. You want to be selective and focused. Limit the
scope. Make sure the audience can understand your work in the limited amount
of time. At least, you should make your introduction and summary
understandable to most of the audience. Here, you want to demonstrate you
are a good teacher, you are able to hold the attention of a room, even if
the advertised position may have no teaching responsibilities. Of course,
you can add a some technic details in your results to demonstrate you are a
real expert. Here, the key is to demonstrate your are a major player in your
field. You have connections in you discipline, and you understand the
funding mechanisms you might go for. You are independent, you have your own
ideas, you could present them energetically, and you are exited to get your
ideas into the public realm. In this part, you may also include some
personal stories, adding some human elements, and thus make your
presentation more influential.
Last, you want to talk about the fit. Can you fit in this particular
environment? What are your solutions for the challenges they are facing? In
this part, you need to demonstrate your collegiality. You need to know your
audience. You need to be interested in your future colleagues. It may be a
good idea to find inspirations in other people’s work, or to connect your
disciplinary interests with community outreach. You want to situate your
research interest in the context of the host institution. How your research
agenda might bridge with other faculty members in the institution? How your
research interest might fit into this department? You may also demonstrate
your interest in being involved with the local community.
In summary, in a typical job talk, it is not all about you. You need to
understand your audience, speak to them based on who they are, what they do,
and how they define the job ad. If you don’t care enough to do that, you
don’t deserve the job. One more thing, you want to be strict with the time
limit they give you, and you want to make it clear, are you expected to do a
pure research talk or it should also include a teaching element? Different
institution may have different requirements.
Thanks for watching, I am Dr. Liu with research tips for the underdogs.
Until next time, let’s be well prepared for the next job interview.