芝加哥西郊爱唱歌的看过来了,音乐课招人# JobMarket - 招聘/求职
1 楼
There is a Chinese Adult music class offered in www.raychineseschool.org.
The course will be taught by a prefessor from China. My friend and I am
very interested in it. But now, there are only 5 people registered, 6 is
the minimum for the class to start.
The class will teach people how to use their voice effectively, which I
think is very important. The class will be on Saturday from 2:30-3:00, or (
1:30 to 2:30) from now to December. The fee is 70 dollars + registration.
It is a great cla
The course will be taught by a prefessor from China. My friend and I am
very interested in it. But now, there are only 5 people registered, 6 is
the minimum for the class to start.
The class will teach people how to use their voice effectively, which I
think is very important. The class will be on Saturday from 2:30-3:00, or (
1:30 to 2:30) from now to December. The fee is 70 dollars + registration.
It is a great cla