Teaching Staffs and Doctoral Fellow Position Announcement# JobMarket - 招聘/求职
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The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Wenzhou University
is seeking outstanding Chinese oversea candidate for the position of
teaching staffs and doctoral fellow in the Geotechnical Engineering and
Structural Engineering. The Further information of Wenzhou University is
available at the following link: http://www.wzu.edu.cn/. The successful candidate is expected to possess a Ph.D. degree in civil Engineering or related areas and must be interested in doing research
The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Wenzhou University
is seeking outstanding Chinese oversea candidate for the position of
teaching staffs and doctoral fellow in the Geotechnical Engineering and
Structural Engineering. The Further information of Wenzhou University is
available at the following link: http://www.wzu.edu.cn/. The successful candidate is expected to possess a Ph.D. degree in civil Engineering or related areas and must be interested in doing research