Post-Doc Position Opening @University of Arizona
Post-Doc Position Opening @University of Arizona# JobMarket - 招聘/求职
Post-Doc Position Opening
I am seeking a full-time post-doctoral researcher to join my lab at the
School of Information Resources and Library Science, University of Arizona.
The researcher will work full time on a NSF funded project that will employ
natural language processing techniques to extract organism character/trait
information from the evolutionary literature for the purpose of constructing
the tree of life. At the University of Arizona, our focus is on natural
language processing techniques, but the researcher will also have the
opportunity to work with a team of biologists, computer scientists, and
paleontologists from ten universities. Cost of relocation from another state
will be reimbursed.
Position start date: As soon as a candidate is selected.
Salary: $45,000 with 3% increase annually
1. Must have an earned Ph.D (or close to completion) in Computer Science,
Information Science, Biology, or related fields
2. Must have experience with Java programming language and application
development environment such as Eclipse.
3. Knowledge and experience in natural language processing such as regular
expression pattern match, syntactic parsing, and/or semantic analysis are
highly desirable but not required
4. Knowledge and background in systematics and/or evolutionary biology are
highly desirable but not required
The post-doc researcher will be involved in
1) activities related to developing, implementing, and evaluating natural
language processing algorithms,
2) communicating with other collaborators and participating in project
meetings, including short visits to other sites,
3) activities related to project management, such as project reporting to
4) activities related to publish and present research findings, and
5) other miscellaneous activities related to the project in general.
Application: Applications are reviewed immediately until a candidate is
selected. Please send cover page, CV, and three letters of recommendation
via the UA Career application system, search
for Job Number: 49679) .

Questions? Contact:
Hong Cui, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Information Technologies
School of Information Resources and Library Science
University of Arizona
h*****[email protected]