和老板的情人节晚餐 (警告:written by StephenKing) (转载)
a. Employee covenants and agrees that during Employee’s employment by the
Company and for a period ending on the first anniversary of the date that
Employee's employment with the Company terminates for any reason, Employee
will not, either directly or indirectly, on Employee’s own behalf or in
service or on behalf of others as a consultant, manager, employee, officer,
or in any other capacity, (i)
provide services to a Competing Business, (ii) engage in any business
activity that competes with the services or products being developed,
marketed or sold by the Company, or (iii) own an interest in or lend funds
to a Competing Business; provided that, the foregoing covenant shall not be
deemed to prohibit Employee from (A) acquiring, solely as an investment and
through market purchases, publicly traded securities of any entity so long
as Employee and the members of Employee's family do not own five percent (5%
) or more of the same class of securities of such entity, or (B) being
employed by a non-Competing Business, subsequent to
Employee's termination of employment with the Company.
b. Employee covenants and agrees that during Employee's employment by the
company and for a period ending on the first anniversary of the date that
Employee’s employment with the Company terminates for any reason, Employee
will not, either directly or indirectly, on Employee's own behalf or in the
service or on behalf of others as a consultant, manager, employee, officer,
or in any other capacity, (i) solicit or divert or appropriate to a
Competing Business, (ii) attempt to solicit, divert or appropriate to or for
any Competing Business, or (iii) solicit, divert or take away, or attempt
to divert or to take away, the business or patronage of any of the clients,
customers or
accounts, or prospective clients, customers or accounts, of the Company
which were contacted, solicited or served by the Company while Employee was
employed by the Company. Employee also covenants and agrees that during
Employee’s employment by the Company and for a period ending on the first
anniversary of the date that Employee’s employment with the Company
terminates for
any reason, Employee will not perform any work or engage in any activity, in
exchange for compensation, for any of the clients, customers, or accounts,
or prospective clients, customers or accounts of the Company which were
contacted, solicited, or served by the Company while Employee was employed
by the Company.
c. Employee covenants and agrees that, during Employee's employment by the
Company and for a period ending on the second anniversary of the date that
Employee’s employment with the Company terminates for any reason, Employee
will not, either directly or indirectly, on Employee's own behalf or in the
service or on behalf of others, recruit, solicit, divert or hire away, or
attempt to recruit, solicit, divert or hire away, to work for any other
person or entity, or to discontinue his employment relationship with the
Company, any
person employed by the Company, whether or not such employee is a full-time
employee or a temporary employee of the Company, and whether or not such
employment is pursuant to written agreement and whether or not such
employment is for a determined period or is at will.
(d) The Employee represents that, to the best of the Employee’s knowledge,
employment by the Company and performance of all terms in this Agreement
will not conflict with any other agreement to which the Employee is subject.
(e) The Employee represents that he or she has returned all proprietary
documents belonging to his or her prior employer. Employee further
represents that he or she will not disclose to the Company any trade secrets
or proprietary information of his or her prior employer.
跳槽到其他行业也困难,对这个non competing 协议也是第一次听说,麻烦有经验的朋
【 以下文字转载自 TopArticle 讨论区 】
发信人: StephenKing (88), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 和老板的情人节晚餐 (警告:written by StephenKing)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 16 01:49:46 2010, 美东)
晚上约好7点钟去pickup老板 5点半我就开始收拾了 毕竟是和老板吃饭
买买提的朋友大部分都说不必买礼物 免得误会 我想也对 就什么都没买 (事实证明这
六点五十九分的时候 我已经在老板家门口等了将近二十分钟了
手机的始终显示6:59:50的霎那 我按了门铃
老板有守时的习惯 你迟了固然不行 早了她也反感
门开了 我们相视一笑 两个人不约而同都穿了一件皮夹克和jeans
不过 老板穿的的牌子 我不认识 我穿的牌子 老板只怕也不认识
老板飞快地瞄了一眼我带的两搠蕉 一共九根(这个话就长了 那万恶的旧社会啊旧社会
说:I thought you'd get sth. for me, it's new year's day,isn't it?

【在 l****d 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 TopArticle 讨论区 】
: 发信人: StephenKing (88), 信区: SanFrancisco
: 标 题: 和老板的情人节晚餐 (警告:written by StephenKing)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 16 01:49:46 2010, 美东)
: 晚上约好7点钟去pickup老板 5点半我就开始收拾了 毕竟是和老板吃饭
: 买买提的朋友大部分都说不必买礼物 免得误会 我想也对 就什么都没买 (事实证明这
: 是个很严重的错误)
: 六点五十九分的时候 我已经在老板家门口等了将近二十分钟了
: 手机的始终显示6:59:50的霎那 我按了门铃
: 老板有守时的习惯 你迟了固然不行 早了她也反感
