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发信人: Eloihim (真神), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: 禱告網站
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 22 10:06:30 2010, 美东)
Ho Ho! 這個一定要去看看, 據說這裡禱告應驗率特別高
Dear God Please Grow My Limbs Back #751
Monday, November 22, 2010 | comments ( 0 ) | Tweet this Prayer
Dear God: I was on my way to Church when that Catholic, drunk with the
communion wine, T-boned me at the intersection with the one traffic light,
when I got to the hospital they said they’d have to remove all of my limbs
(typing this with my tongue). Please dear God…it’s your own damn fault
anyway! Grow my effing limbs back!!! Awomen
Request #750
Monday, November 22, 2010 | comments ( 0 ) | Tweet this Prayer
Dear little new born baby jesus, with your small baby hands, I ask that you
please grant me a new 24 carrot gold plated faucet for my 3rd mansion, I
already have 4 such faucets but need a third for the spare bedroom so i can
have a complete set.
Please pray for me #749
Monday, November 22, 2010 | comments ( 0 ) | Tweet this Prayer
First off, thank you for helping me with that cyst that was growing on my
crotch. Turns out it wasn’t a cyst at all but was just a gummy bear that’d
gotten lost in my nether regions. One of them moist Clorox wipes took care
of it. Now then, I…more »
Take down the Reddit servers #748
Monday, November 22, 2010 | comments ( 0 ) | Tweet this Prayer
Dear Lord, Satan is running a website called Reddit, where people share
pornography and atheism. They are mostly gay hipsters who play Team Fortress
2 and use drugs all day. They post vile hateful anti-Christian propaganda
in the Atheism subreddit. Lord, please take down the reddit servers and
redirect all…more »
Something for nothing #747
Monday, November 22, 2010 | comments ( 0 ) | Tweet this Prayer
i wanna git reel smart witout havin to thank 4 meself and b reel strong
witout havin to exersize or nuttin hard. wanna haf MONAY witout werkin or
Please Lord, deal with these awful SINNERS #746
Monday, November 22, 2010 | comments ( 2 ) | Tweet this Prayer
i have discovered my son has been exposed to a filthy demon, called Reddit.
It has been filling his head with such vile nonsense as ethics, compassion,
logic, empathy, and worst of all, he’s ENJOYING himself!! Strike down those
heathens on /r/atheism. throw those at /r/trees and /r/anarchism into the
pits of hell for spreading Satan’s tongue of lies!! these people are
Please pray for me, I need help and advice for my dirty habit #745
Monday, November 22, 2010 | comments ( 1 ) | Tweet this Prayer
Dear Faithful I have recently made the decision to stop masturbating for
good. I know that touching myself is wrong and dirty and I pray for strength
. I have tried to completely stop but it is just too difficult, I have
taken to rubbing myself against pages of the bible.…more »
KIll the blasphemers #744
Monday, November 22, 2010 | comments ( 0 ) | Tweet this Prayer
Dear precious loving merciful God, I beseech you in the names of the Trinity
, please kill the atheistic blasphemers on REDDIT. Last week, I lost a
church member to atheism because he visited that site. Also, please smite
that site with your powerful lightning. Let this happen during the half…
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