致橙子的表白书# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
以前房主 用的是monitronics,现在还有个装置在墙上。
As you may have noticed, I
waited for you for 10 minutes for
your punishment. As the stupid shower
never stops its attempt at immortality for 3 days, the
sunlight, like you, never resumed her almighty
appearance. This disappoints me so much. And you shall
be the one to pay for it. Without you I am so damn
lost. For any epsilon greater than zero, my happiness
is less than epsilon. And today I woke up in
astonishment, discovering that you have become my true
love. even
Hades and Persephone will bring me down the Tartara
tomorrow and ask me to heap hearts of the beautiful maidens 24-7…
hopefully tomorrow morning I won’t find
your golden beauty by my side. Because Aphrodite
already stung me with her evil fingers, planted the
poisonous seed of this passionate love, Eros…ah my
blessed, how can I bare to listen to your cries
across the translucent river, how can I stand this
pain, this suffering. And you think that I am the
idiot who is stupid enough to kiss my own reflection?
Damn that, you know as well I was just trying to be a cool
dude so that beautiful maidens will be attracted
to me, especially those with immeasurable lust and
skills. You are just shapeless a sound, but I love
thee. Who cares about the substitutes I can find. I am raped
by many girls in my life. And I have this
feeling that you might be the best. So be it…my
princess, my water nymph, follower of Artemis, allow
me to chase you down and practice some BL.
款款深情 ~~~
就是 prince or princess 有点糊涂 。。。

【在 v******s 的大作中提到】
: As you may have noticed, I
: waited for you for 10 minutes for
: your punishment. As the stupid shower
: never stops its attempt at immortality for 3 days, the
: sunlight, like you, never resumed her almighty
: appearance. This disappoints me so much. And you shall
: be the one to pay for it. Without you I am so damn
: lost. For any epsilon greater than zero, my happiness
: is less than epsilon. And today I woke up in
: astonishment, discovering that you have become my true


【在 v******s 的大作中提到】
: As you may have noticed, I
: waited for you for 10 minutes for
: your punishment. As the stupid shower
: never stops its attempt at immortality for 3 days, the
: sunlight, like you, never resumed her almighty
: appearance. This disappoints me so much. And you shall
: be the one to pay for it. Without you I am so damn
: lost. For any epsilon greater than zero, my happiness
: is less than epsilon. And today I woke up in
: astonishment, discovering that you have become my true

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