记录我的X男友:第一次KISS,开房,车震,带男人回家见父母(转# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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We’re writing to inform you of some changes we’ve made at Serve.
They’re are outlined in the updated Serve Consumer User Agreement, which
you can read here: Serve.com/docs/Serve_Consumer_User_Agreement.
But here’s what’s new:
Fees waived when you add or receive funds from credit and debit cards
until March 15, 2013
Increased load amounts –– now you can add up to $200 daily and $1,000
monthly from your debit card
Bill My Phone will no longer be offered effective July 26, 2012, but
stay tuned for new features
We’re writing to inform you of some changes we’ve made at Serve.
They’re are outlined in the updated Serve Consumer User Agreement, which
you can read here: Serve.com/docs/Serve_Consumer_User_Agreement.
But here’s what’s new:
Fees waived when you add or receive funds from credit and debit cards
until March 15, 2013
Increased load amounts –– now you can add up to $200 daily and $1,000
monthly from your debit card
Bill My Phone will no longer be offered effective July 26, 2012, but
stay tuned for new features