【寂寞】过年买到无良商家生产的杯具雪糕,我真的“上当了”# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
Personally I think H-index is consistent.
If one has quite a few papers and doesn't really know which one is the best
in others' eyes, my suggestion is to choose one that makes the H-index cut.
One can use un-biased constraints to narrow down search results to get a
clearer view.
But I don't know if adjudicators recognize the H-index if one wants to use
it in petition.
If one has quite a few papers and doesn't really know which one is the best
in others' eyes, my suggestion is to choose one that makes the H-index cut.
One can use un-biased constraints to narrow down search results to get a
clearer view.
But I don't know if adjudicators recognize the H-index if one wants to use
it in petition.