Re: 惨了!闯校车了!!# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
Item Total Value Charge to
Cleaning 400 300
Painting(writings and stains on walls) 400 300
Damaged walls 200 100
Damaged doors and jams 300 200
Damage to kitchen cabinets 200 100
Damage to oven and range 200 300
Missing and damaged 4 venetian blinds 300 300
repaint mirror frame 50 50
carport cleaning 100 100
stained granite in kitchen 200 200
broken ceramic floor 100 100
cover plate for door lock 50 50
Total $1850
deposit: $1595
due to the owner: $255
只住了6个月。当时说好是month by month 1595/mo. 搬得很急,找好后两个星期就搬
进去了。 原房东在我们搬进去前一天搬走的。当时就是看上了他month by month. 搬
进去时墙上就有stains and writings. One broken ceramic floor in bathroom,
missing blinds (don't remember how many) 我们是想买房子只是短期住住, 想凑合
凑合没有和房东理论。(实在是大错!!) 另外炉头有两个打不着, 厕所马桶盖快掉
了,gabage disposal didn't work,这三个都打电话给房东了,他让他的worker上门修
了,倒是很快。 我们搬走前,我请了老墨来清洁的($100 大概1000SQF).
上面列的我承认是自己的责任的只有Kitchen granite stains and damage on the
wall (墙被门碰了个坑,孩子干的),然后其他的我都不知他再说什么。想自己在住这
个房子前,前面的房子住了两年,一分钱也没有扣(当时留了$95 cleaning).
现在房子可能租不住去想宰我们一把。 我们也是没有经验. 请大家给我们只招。
我想给他写封正式的信,表示我只responsible for $250 and he has to return me
the deposit for $1595-$255, otherwise I will sue him. 如果大家有sample
letter to the landlord please forward to me.
Item Total Value Charge to
Cleaning 400 300
Painting(writings and stains on walls) 400 300
Damaged walls 200 100
Damaged doors and jams 300 200
Damage to kitchen cabinets 200 100
Damage to oven and range 200 300
Missing and damaged 4 venetian blinds 300 300
repaint mirror frame 50 50
carport cleaning 100 100
stained granite in kitchen 200 200
broken ceramic floor 100 100
cover plate for door lock 50 50
Total $1850
deposit: $1595
due to the owner: $255
只住了6个月。当时说好是month by month 1595/mo. 搬得很急,找好后两个星期就搬
进去了。 原房东在我们搬进去前一天搬走的。当时就是看上了他month by month. 搬
进去时墙上就有stains and writings. One broken ceramic floor in bathroom,
missing blinds (don't remember how many) 我们是想买房子只是短期住住, 想凑合
凑合没有和房东理论。(实在是大错!!) 另外炉头有两个打不着, 厕所马桶盖快掉
了,gabage disposal didn't work,这三个都打电话给房东了,他让他的worker上门修
了,倒是很快。 我们搬走前,我请了老墨来清洁的($100 大概1000SQF).
上面列的我承认是自己的责任的只有Kitchen granite stains and damage on the
wall (墙被门碰了个坑,孩子干的),然后其他的我都不知他再说什么。想自己在住这
个房子前,前面的房子住了两年,一分钱也没有扣(当时留了$95 cleaning).
现在房子可能租不住去想宰我们一把。 我们也是没有经验. 请大家给我们只招。
我想给他写封正式的信,表示我只responsible for $250 and he has to return me
the deposit for $1595-$255, otherwise I will sue him. 如果大家有sample
letter to the landlord please forward to me.