大家帮我看一下这个是不是骗我上钩的:有出版商对我的博士论文(转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 SanDiego 讨论区 】
发信人: alanjam (carfever), 信区: SanDiego
标 题: 大家帮我看一下这个是不是骗我上钩的:有出版商对我的博士论文感兴趣, 但是通过facebook给我发信息
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 11 12:39:07 2011, 美东)
有出版商对我的博士论文感兴趣,要公开发表出版, 但是她通过facebook给我发信息
, 大家说说看这个是不是钓鱼的邮件? 这个对我有没有什么好处?我看了一下出版商
的地址, 是毛里求斯的。
Dear XX,
While researching dissertations and theses listed on the XXX University's
electronic library for publication, I became aware of the paper you
submitted in 2011 for your postgraduate degree,entitled "
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX". International Book Market Service Ltd is an
academic publisher which specializes since 2002 in the publication of high
quality monographs, master theses,
diploma theses, dissertations and postdoctoral theses from renowned
institutions worldwide. I am therefore inquiring whether you would be keen
on publishing the above mentioned work with us. In other words, we would
make your work available in printed form and market it on a global scale
through well-known distributors at no cost to you.
Your reply including an e-mail address to which I can send an e-mail with
further information about our catalogue, policies and marketing measures in
an attachment will be greatly appreciated.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
With regards,
Yasmine Watson
Acquisition Editor
International Book Market Service Ltd. is in cooperation with:
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller GmbH & Co. KG (w w w . v d m – p u b l i s h i n g .
c o m )