Re: 求鸡蛋清洗头发!!! (转载)
Re: 求鸡蛋清洗头发!!! (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
It is not uncommon to have newspapers write about investment bankers that
receive $10 million pound annual bonus. Investment banking careers are the
most rewarding career anyone can pursue right out of college. For this
reason hiring for investment banking positions is very cut throat and highly
selective. Many people are attracted to the field of investment banking
because of the high stakes and high rewards. Few people will tell you what
it is like on a daily basis to hold this job. Here are 3 secrets no one will
ever revel about investment bank careers.
Secret 1: NNo Job Stability
Our grandparents are accustomed to the idea of working their whole life for
a single company, retiring and living out their life being supported by a
pension from that company. Today's college graduates will never experience
the opportunity to work for a single company for their whole career. Instead
companies hire and fire employees at a whim based on their financial
profitability. Spring is the time of the year when most layoffs occur in the
investment banking industry right before annual bonuses are paid. Employees
that were at the top of their department last year can be unemployed the
next year if their employer decides to focus on different industry markets.
If this shift is made, everyone in the department no longer supported can be
expected to be made li akku redundant. There is no loyalty toward high
achieving employees.
Secret 2: Broad market knowledge is more valuable than specialization
It is possible to specialize in trading or mergers and acquisitions or other
areas as an investment banker. Employees can also use promotions or job
switches to broaden their knowledge and gain more experience in other areas.
In the long run the employees that have broader market knowledge are
generally rewarded with higher compensation than their co-workers who have
chosen to specialize in a single area. Spend the first five years of your
career in investment banking, in different areas so you can gain experience.
Secret 3: International experience is a bonus
There is no company that does not have an international influence. Companies
can have factories in one country, distribution points in other countries
and corporate headquarters in yet another country. Currency fluctuations,
war and social unrest can contribute to the profit or loss of a country.
Employees who have lived or worked in other parts of the country are able to
share their first hand experience in helping international countries.
Companies will pay a premium for this talent. Consider working overseas at
some point in your career. A year or two abroad can result in tens of
thousands of pounds in more pay down the road.
Competition for investment banking careers is very challenging. Follow these
three secrets to greatly improve you pay and performance if you choose a
career as an investment banker.
【 以下文字转载自 Fashion 讨论区 】
发信人: elvaletitgo (小猫咪), 信区: Fashion
标 题: 求鸡蛋清洗头发!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 30 11:19:02 2011, 美东)
之前有个mm分享了蛋清洗头发,说是对脱发很有效, 哪位好心的mm收藏了可以再分享一
发信人: beelin (beelin), 信区: Fashion
标 题: Re: 求鸡蛋清洗头发!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 30 15:17:55 2011, 美东)

【在 H****H 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Fashion 讨论区 】
: 发信人: elvaletitgo (小猫咪), 信区: Fashion
: 标 题: 求鸡蛋清洗头发!!!
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 30 11:19:02 2011, 美东)
: 之前有个mm分享了蛋清洗头发,说是对脱发很有效, 哪位好心的mm收藏了可以再分享一
: 下啊?
: 多谢多谢!
: 发信人: beelin (beelin), 信区: Fashion
: 标 题: Re: 求鸡蛋清洗头发!!!
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 30 15:17:55 2011, 美东)
