宠物养久了会与主人越来越像 不信你看! (转载)
宠物养久了会与主人越来越像 不信你看! (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
ping me if you want some challenge.
And you can help me too. I am too old to think problem like this.
If you help, solve the problem, I will send 20 baozis and
of course, we make friends too.
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 宠物养久了会与主人越来越像 不信你看!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 2 14:43:27 2012, 美东)
Dogs and cats have been enemies for ages. A cat that could not stay at home
for long in the past is now tamed by people. A dog has always been a loyal
friend of a human being. Let us see whether women prefer seeing dogs or cats
as their pets.
Anzhelika and Tosya. Anzhelika says that once a sick dog came to their house
. It gave birth to a puppy in a few days and died. The girl let the puppy
stay in her house and fell in love with that dog who had the same habits
with her owner.
Valya and Gray. Gray is a hunting dog and never stays at the same place. He
keeps running all the time. By the way, Valya is a reporter and has to visit
a lot of places and communicate with many people.
Asemgul and Spanchik. Spanchik doesn’t allow anybody to disturb the girl
when she is asleep. People say, he is as kind as his owner.
Galia and Lelik. Galia didn’t want to have a cat at home but her sons
wanted it. She warned them that she wouldn’t take care of the cat. But now
it is her who feeds and bathes the animal. She also calls the cat her third
Ayshat and Boniface. Boniface is very loyal and doesn’t like sharing Ayshat
with anybody else.
Laura and Mia. In spite of the fact that Mia is small she is very brave.
Laura prefers dogs to cats as dogs are much more loyal.
Lena and Tyomka. The cat likes freedom and never stays at home. But the girl
loves the cat and says she will never exchange him for a dog.
Veronika and Motya. Motya is very calm and independent. We celebrate her
birthday on February 14 and everybody presents the cat with tasty food.
Veronika likes cats more because they don’t require as much attention as
Julia and Richi. Julia has always wanted to have a dog but her parents were
against it. Now she stays alone and can afford having a dog. Richi is very
independent just like Julia.
Flera and Miaow. When others go to work, Flera stays at home with the cat.
They do all the things together and Flera sings old songs for Miaow. The
woman is glad to have a cat as they are not so noisy as dogs.
And what is your choice?

【在 c********t 的大作中提到】
: ping me if you want some challenge.
: And you can help me too. I am too old to think problem like this.
: If you help, solve the problem, I will send 20 baozis and
: of course, we make friends too.



【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
: 标 题: 宠物养久了会与主人越来越像 不信你看!
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 2 14:43:27 2012, 美东)
: Dogs and cats have been enemies for ages. A cat that could not stay at home
: for long in the past is now tamed by people. A dog has always been a loyal
: friend of a human being. Let us see whether women prefer seeing dogs or cats
: as their pets.
: Anzhelika and Tosya. Anzhelika says that once a sick dog came to their house
: . It gave birth to a puppy in a few days and died. The girl let the puppy
