猜猜这等iPhone 5的是哪的果粉?# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
大家好,5天前,hc 送审的时候, 纠结通过率,搜到了这个网站,(这网站在新加坡
貌似没什么人用) 相见恨晚。。 3天前,写了onsite 小面筋,想求个祝福。可惜新注
册的用户,禁言三天,没有发上来。三天后,hc 的结果出来了, 还要加一轮。不管机
率如何, 既然还有希望,准备拼一枪。
“our profile was actually reviewed at our hiring committee in the US this
morning and I just received the results. The committee has actually decided
they need some additional data through a couple more interviews.
Accordingly, I'd like to set up 2 more interviews for you, these interviews
will be focused on system design and open ended questions.”
看了版上大家讨论的题目,发现我的第一轮onsite 真的好水,和大家的题目完全不在
一个档次上。一个 DP 也没有。。 也没有我最担心的 system design。 开始还庆幸。
结果 hc 没有水过。。 另外有一道 mapreduce 的题目我做的 也不好。想了很久,最
我还想请教一下,二轮onsite 要有怎样的表现才能过关?一定要出彩 还是要保守一点
我整理了板上差不多和system design 搭点边的题目,有一起准备的 ,讨论一下。都
1. 大规模系统设计的问题,比如load balancing, server communication, data
2. 每个任务之间有dependency,怎么安排任务顺序,使得执行任务i的时候,所有被
3. 用Java设计一个餐馆。有厨师,服务生,客户等等类。设计时我太注意细节了,忘
4. udp和tcp的区别,什么时候用tcp,什么时候用udp。tcp是否允许接受重复packet。
5. 做一个search engine, 每次搜索到的url肯定会有大量重复。怎么解决?
6. 实现这个search engine, 你的设备是联在一起的100台电脑,它们可以同时工作。
可能整个工作过程的某个时段这台机器得到的url set跟另一台机器得到的url set不一
7. 一个非常sparse的matrix,2^64 × 2^64, 设计一个class,内有get(int x, int y
), set(int x, int y, int value)。 用什么数据结构存储它?有哪些选择,各自的
get啊, set的complexity是什么。
8. Design a class library for writing card games.
9. 然后让我设计一个分布式文件系统,给定
path name,可以读写文件。具体的system design这里就不提了。其中一个细节是,给
定path name,怎么知道哪个node拥有这个文件。我提出需要实现一个lookup function
,它可以是一个hash function,也可以是一个lookup table。如果是lookup table,
为了让所有client sync,可以考虑额外做一个lookup cluster。然后Interviewer很纠
结,既然可以用hash function,为什么还搞得那么复杂。我就告诉他hash function的
缺点。假定一开始有N个node,hash function把M个文件uniformly distribute到N个
node上。某天发现capacity不够,加了一个node。首先,要通知所有的client machine
,configuration 改变了。如果不想重启client machine的process,这不是一个
trivial job。其次,文件到node的mapping也变了。比如,本来按照hash function,
一个文件是放在node 1。加了一个node 后,它可能就map到node 2了。平均来说,N/(N
+1)的文件需要move到新的node。这个data migration还是很大的。然后我就提出一些
hash function的design,可以减少data migration。
最后他提了一个问题,说要实现一个function,要统计distributed file system所有
个node上统计,然后发到一个merge吗。他说对,但是又问用什么data structure来表
示。我说这就是hash table,key就是directory name,value就是大小。因为
directory本身是树结构,这个hash table的key可以用tree来组织。最后让我实现一个
function,把我说得这个data structure serialize成byte array。因为这个byte
array就是网络传输的data。我用了depth first traverse。不过等我程序写完,才发
现,用breath first traverse会更方便,code也会很简洁。
10. 他是要我用pthread实现thread pool,以及thread job management。先是
define class interface,然后用pthread的mutex和semaphore实现了consumer/
producer queue。这个queue允许users(producers)加入thread jobs,thread
managers(consumers)拿出thread jobs,并执行。
11. Consider you are constructing a system for data synchronization, what
problem will you face, and how you solve it? (I did not do well on this
question, since for my understanding, the data synchronization is normally
among process, or among different users, like the one in source code version
control (Git/repo). I finally understand after 15 mins, he wants to know
about multi-threads synchronization.
然后栽在一道large scale的设计题上。绝对不是所有的面试官都让你随意发挥,有的
He: how would you design a distributed key-value store
Me: DHT or just using clusters
He: details?
Me: we have a large number of machines. first we use a hash function to
retrieve machine ID from the key. Then we connect to the machine and use
another hash function to retrieve the address from the key. Then fetch data
from that address.
He (seems not satisfied): how much space do you need on the master machine?
Me: It depends. If we can use a hash function to derive the IP address of
the machine, we don't need extra space. Otherwise, we need a table to store
key-IP pairs which is XXX large.
He: say more about how you would get the value on one machine
Me: we have two levels of cache, then memory, then disk. We go down to lower
levels if we can't retrieve the value on higher levels. (seems like not
what he expected)
He: how would you fetch the value on the disk? Please fill in a function
char* getData(char *key) { ... }
Me: don't know what he asked is different from what I answered. Ask him a
lot of questions, but haven't got anything useful
He: Think about what the file system is like
Me: Talked about things I know about file systems. Ask him whether he would
like me to write that function based on file system or redesign everything.
He: should be based on file systems.
Me: go from "/", keep iteratively searching for the current directory using
the key, until we hit a file not a directory. Then open that file and read
value and return the value.
整个过程,感觉跟他预想的不一样,跟我预想的也不一样。一直觉得key-value pairs
应该是用分布式的no sql的DB来实现的,没想到要去读file。另外自己对于disk读取的
有两点教训就是。一,不要觉得自己是new grad就可以只写code,答两道数学题,他们
真的什么都考,特别是这种large scale的,什么问题都可以问。二,两个面试之间一
定要take a break,就算不上厕所也要去一趟洗手间让大脑休息一下,我就是到最后两
DHT B+ tree
13. 固定时间内某网站只允许访问有限次,如何让index次数尽可能的少,又不错过更
14. Table reservation system. 并行的, 这个用semaphore或mutex tasking的算法
15. Design Patterns
貌似没什么人用) 相见恨晚。。 3天前,写了onsite 小面筋,想求个祝福。可惜新注
册的用户,禁言三天,没有发上来。三天后,hc 的结果出来了, 还要加一轮。不管机
率如何, 既然还有希望,准备拼一枪。
“our profile was actually reviewed at our hiring committee in the US this
morning and I just received the results. The committee has actually decided
they need some additional data through a couple more interviews.
Accordingly, I'd like to set up 2 more interviews for you, these interviews
will be focused on system design and open ended questions.”
看了版上大家讨论的题目,发现我的第一轮onsite 真的好水,和大家的题目完全不在
一个档次上。一个 DP 也没有。。 也没有我最担心的 system design。 开始还庆幸。
结果 hc 没有水过。。 另外有一道 mapreduce 的题目我做的 也不好。想了很久,最
我还想请教一下,二轮onsite 要有怎样的表现才能过关?一定要出彩 还是要保守一点
我整理了板上差不多和system design 搭点边的题目,有一起准备的 ,讨论一下。都
1. 大规模系统设计的问题,比如load balancing, server communication, data
2. 每个任务之间有dependency,怎么安排任务顺序,使得执行任务i的时候,所有被
3. 用Java设计一个餐馆。有厨师,服务生,客户等等类。设计时我太注意细节了,忘
4. udp和tcp的区别,什么时候用tcp,什么时候用udp。tcp是否允许接受重复packet。
5. 做一个search engine, 每次搜索到的url肯定会有大量重复。怎么解决?
6. 实现这个search engine, 你的设备是联在一起的100台电脑,它们可以同时工作。
可能整个工作过程的某个时段这台机器得到的url set跟另一台机器得到的url set不一
7. 一个非常sparse的matrix,2^64 × 2^64, 设计一个class,内有get(int x, int y
), set(int x, int y, int value)。 用什么数据结构存储它?有哪些选择,各自的
get啊, set的complexity是什么。
8. Design a class library for writing card games.
9. 然后让我设计一个分布式文件系统,给定
path name,可以读写文件。具体的system design这里就不提了。其中一个细节是,给
定path name,怎么知道哪个node拥有这个文件。我提出需要实现一个lookup function
,它可以是一个hash function,也可以是一个lookup table。如果是lookup table,
为了让所有client sync,可以考虑额外做一个lookup cluster。然后Interviewer很纠
结,既然可以用hash function,为什么还搞得那么复杂。我就告诉他hash function的
缺点。假定一开始有N个node,hash function把M个文件uniformly distribute到N个
node上。某天发现capacity不够,加了一个node。首先,要通知所有的client machine
,configuration 改变了。如果不想重启client machine的process,这不是一个
trivial job。其次,文件到node的mapping也变了。比如,本来按照hash function,
一个文件是放在node 1。加了一个node 后,它可能就map到node 2了。平均来说,N/(N
+1)的文件需要move到新的node。这个data migration还是很大的。然后我就提出一些
hash function的design,可以减少data migration。
最后他提了一个问题,说要实现一个function,要统计distributed file system所有
个node上统计,然后发到一个merge吗。他说对,但是又问用什么data structure来表
示。我说这就是hash table,key就是directory name,value就是大小。因为
directory本身是树结构,这个hash table的key可以用tree来组织。最后让我实现一个
function,把我说得这个data structure serialize成byte array。因为这个byte
array就是网络传输的data。我用了depth first traverse。不过等我程序写完,才发
现,用breath first traverse会更方便,code也会很简洁。
10. 他是要我用pthread实现thread pool,以及thread job management。先是
define class interface,然后用pthread的mutex和semaphore实现了consumer/
producer queue。这个queue允许users(producers)加入thread jobs,thread
managers(consumers)拿出thread jobs,并执行。
11. Consider you are constructing a system for data synchronization, what
problem will you face, and how you solve it? (I did not do well on this
question, since for my understanding, the data synchronization is normally
among process, or among different users, like the one in source code version
control (Git/repo). I finally understand after 15 mins, he wants to know
about multi-threads synchronization.
然后栽在一道large scale的设计题上。绝对不是所有的面试官都让你随意发挥,有的
He: how would you design a distributed key-value store
Me: DHT or just using clusters
He: details?
Me: we have a large number of machines. first we use a hash function to
retrieve machine ID from the key. Then we connect to the machine and use
another hash function to retrieve the address from the key. Then fetch data
from that address.
He (seems not satisfied): how much space do you need on the master machine?
Me: It depends. If we can use a hash function to derive the IP address of
the machine, we don't need extra space. Otherwise, we need a table to store
key-IP pairs which is XXX large.
He: say more about how you would get the value on one machine
Me: we have two levels of cache, then memory, then disk. We go down to lower
levels if we can't retrieve the value on higher levels. (seems like not
what he expected)
He: how would you fetch the value on the disk? Please fill in a function
char* getData(char *key) { ... }
Me: don't know what he asked is different from what I answered. Ask him a
lot of questions, but haven't got anything useful
He: Think about what the file system is like
Me: Talked about things I know about file systems. Ask him whether he would
like me to write that function based on file system or redesign everything.
He: should be based on file systems.
Me: go from "/", keep iteratively searching for the current directory using
the key, until we hit a file not a directory. Then open that file and read
value and return the value.
整个过程,感觉跟他预想的不一样,跟我预想的也不一样。一直觉得key-value pairs
应该是用分布式的no sql的DB来实现的,没想到要去读file。另外自己对于disk读取的
有两点教训就是。一,不要觉得自己是new grad就可以只写code,答两道数学题,他们
真的什么都考,特别是这种large scale的,什么问题都可以问。二,两个面试之间一
定要take a break,就算不上厕所也要去一趟洗手间让大脑休息一下,我就是到最后两
DHT B+ tree
13. 固定时间内某网站只允许访问有限次,如何让index次数尽可能的少,又不错过更
14. Table reservation system. 并行的, 这个用semaphore或mutex tasking的算法
15. Design Patterns