Re: 不合时宜的一问:这周末带爸妈到纽约旅游是不是太不可行了(转载)
Re: 不合时宜的一问:这周末带爸妈到纽约旅游是不是太不可行了(转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: ICEAGE2 (ChinaTown 开大巴的), 信区: NewYork
标 题: Re: 不合时宜的一问:这周末带爸妈到纽约旅游是不是太不可行了br />
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 31 14:23:54 2012, 美东)

【在 z*****a 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
: 发信人: ICEAGE2 (ChinaTown 开大巴的), 信区: NewYork
: 标 题: Re: 不合时宜的一问:这周末带爸妈到纽约旅游是不是太不可行了br />
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 31 14:23:54 2012, 美东)
: 提醒一下,老中不懂美国文化,喜欢女的起名字教lucy,这个是有贬义的,一般指裤带
: 系不紧的slut

1. lucy 2373 up, 454 down
A crazy out of this world scheme that usually backfires! Inspired by Lucille
Ball's crazy antics or schemes on "I Love Lucy."
My sister pulled me into a lucy, when she tricked her husband into going
with us.
buy lucy mugs & shirts
scheme antics trick crazy schemer
by ecs25858 Jan 1, 2011 share this add a video
2. Lucy 200 up, 63 down
The Christian name (first name) given to a beautiful baby, Who'd grantee to
grow up
to be an intellectual, gorgeous blue eyed girl, with a heart warming smile
that would
make anyone fall for..
The name Lucy can be followed by any surname due to the expressiveness. Both
long and
short, although best suited for surnames beginning with P, L, or C.
Most common abbreviation of the name; Luce.
New kid Thinks when sees Lucy:-
*Woah, who's that girl with the gorgeous eyes? It's as if someone had stolen
stars from the sky and put them in her eyes.
She's way to good for me though.. I'd just like to know her name. I wish I
wasn't so
shy.. I'd do anything, if it meant I could sit next to her and simple talk.*
buy lucy mugs & shirts
luce beautiful charismatic surname funny
by Lucytheelphant Feb 18, 2010 share this add a video
3. Lucy 1145 up, 432 down
a small cute girl with a dazzling smile and beautiful eyes. often doesn't
realise just how beautiful and charming she is. a lucy is intelligent, kind
and the best sort of friend. she is there for you when you're sad and gives
the most amazing hugs. she is funny without knowing it and has a head full
of amazing stories. a lucy longs for fun and adventure and loves to dance.
lucy can be shy and full of self doubt, but once she lets you in she will
make you happier than you ever realised.
1. who's that girl? she must be a lucy, she's so awesome and doesn't even
know it.
2. you have a lucy? lucky bastard, don't ever let her go.
3. damn i fucked up. don't worry man, lucy will forgive you, she's amazing.
buy lucy mugs & shirts
luce beautiful cute funny awesome
by nye09 Apr 18, 2010 share this add a video
4. Lucy 2828 up, 1180 down
A sexy, attractive female who is intelligent and understanding. A fun filled
character with endless amusement. Usually found in the UK with dazzling
eyes and a smile to die for, a cuddly person who means the world to anyone (
unless retarded)
1: hows your relationship?
2: crap!
1: why?
2: i need a lucy, i got a bob :(
1: dumb ass nigga!!
buy lucy mugs & shirts
female beautiful atrractive comical sexy
by gym hym Apr 12, 2007 share this add a video
5. Lucy 1218 up, 573 down
Some hot chick who your friends like better than you.
Wow, who's that!
It must be that Lucy girl.


【在 w****j 的大作中提到】
: 学术一下吧,Lucy这个词的一看就是拉丁名字到不列颠以后的变形。从词根讲luc/lux
: 是light的意思,也就是光明。很可能Lucy是从Lucius这个典型拉丁名字来的。Lucius
: 的来源可能是光明,更可能是来自Etruscan语Lauchum,这个是国王的意思。Lucas也是
: 从Lucius来的典型变形虫。
: 罗马历史上另有一个女子名叫Lucretia。当然,这个是从她家族姓Lucretius来的,类
: 似王氏。这个也可能是Lucy的来源。Lucretia之死引发了推翻王政的暴动,罗马共和国
: 自此开始。Lucretia本人按传说属于贞烈一类的性格了,被强奸后自杀了,自然也和
: slut联系不上。说Lucy指slut,真不知从何说起了。
