美国人的工作效率为什么比中国低 (转载)
美国人的工作效率为什么比中国低 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
Hi, Dear all
It is time for me to share my experience with you, especially for the ones
are still in the process of I-140 petition.
I just found it out that my I-140 was approved (on-line). I know I have not
received my actual green card yet, but I believe it is a big milestone.
My background:
Ph.D., US, Bio science
Current position, Postdoc
I DIYed my I-140 peition. I strongly believe that if you are in academia, if
you ever applied for any type of grant/fellowship before, you are
completely capable and competent to file I-140 by yourself. If you do have
lots of money, a lawyer can make your life slightly better. My personal
experience and belief is that if you ever survived U.S. education system, you
have all the resources and ability to successfully perform the application by
You should read the instructions carefully from USCIS, you should obtain past
applicants’ information as much as possible.
How to practically operate this?
I started with collecting any possible evidence. I started to collect
everything positive for myself, did not sort category of anything at the
beginning, like citations, like invitation to conferences, any piece of
reports about your research, etc
Then I sent out emails to ask for reference letters. Luckily, everyone I
asked for help is willing to help me. I did draft a version (expect both my
Ph.D. and postdoc mentors, they are both the most respected scientists in
my life, they wrote everything for me and provided a wonderful letter).
After I obtained all letters, I started out writing my petition letter.
I found it is helpful to organize the PL after you got the actual letters, since
I found myself really could utilize some great sentences from the
professors who wrote me words with compliments.
When you finished your PL, please send it to native speakers for comments. Not
just your labmates. They could be very helpful, but I incline to send my PL
to my regular American fiends. If you don’t have any, it is time to make
some, at least for this purpose, ☺. I wanted to get feedback from “
layman” as much as possible, since the reviewing officer who actually will
read your materials probably is in the same category.
Best wishes to all of you, and remember never give up and be patient!
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: qwxqwsean (qiu), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 美国人的工作效率为什么比中国低
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 27 21:25:43 2013, 美东)
说美国人笨懒, 有点冤枉他们。 美国人的文凭通常高, 从文化程度和智商方面,
很难说美国人比中国的中学毕业的民工低。 说美国人懒, 也冤枉他们了, 是人都懒
, 中国民工也懒, 美国的医生护士每天没看十几个病人, 却抱怨很累, 在美国工作
的华人医护人员也抱怨一点也不比中国的医生护士轻松。 我在美国医院当车夫 , 很
多车夫的脚都走伤了, 我自己的脚也长鸡眼, 怎么能说美国的车夫轻松呢?
美国人算不上懒, 也算不上笨。 效率低下, 是因为他们思想僵化,美国的管理风格
, 也迫使美国人脑子僵化。
工作要效率高, 绝不是只要勤就行, 而是必需讲究方法。
我99年在撒上海一个台资玩具厂当了7个月检验员, 那个厂的工人大多是16-2
0岁的小姑娘, 月薪不包吃不包住400元。 由于订单不足, 工人平均每天生产2
小时, 其余时间不必要地搞车间卫生或聊天。 在这么低的工资和这么少的工作量下,
那些民工小妹的操作效率高的惊人, 她们组装一支12色的原珠笔好象只要15秒(
年代久了我记不清具体数据, 而我作为质量检查员, 也要试组装少量几支笔, 我模
糊记得我拼命提高速度, 好象也要一分多钟一支, 组装笔是有技巧的, 我没有掌握
中国人的管理方式, 类似于我在那家玩具长作为质检员的工作, 我查看她们组装的笔
合不合格, 但不关心她们用什么手法去组装笔, 工人的工作技巧是她们自己悟出来的
, 管理者关心的只是产量和质量。 她们在那组装笔, 类似于她们在那打毛衣, 我不
会织毛衣, 也看不懂她们在那怎么织, 只看她们织出来的毛衣合不合格。
中国人工作效率高, 是因为中国的文化和管理作风尊重和挖掘人的主观能动性。
又比如在广州街头送桶装饮用水的民工都是骑自行车, 车上是11桶共220公斤水
, 而且我看11桶是标配, 我在广州见到的送水工都是一次运11桶, 如果谁只运
十桶, 可能会被人笑话太笨。 骑着自行车载着230公斤货在繁忙的街道上穿梭是啥
概念? 我自己基本上是美国最擅长使用自行车作日常交通工具的人(而不是自行车运
动员), 我对广州民工把运11桶水当家常便饭想都不敢想。
骑自行车运220公斤水, 不是雇主能逼的, 而肯定是送水工自愿的,在工作上没有

【在 u****q 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: qwxqwsean (qiu), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 美国人的工作效率为什么比中国低
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 27 21:25:43 2013, 美东)
: 这是个以前讨论过的老话题了。
: 说美国人笨懒, 有点冤枉他们。 美国人的文凭通常高, 从文化程度和智商方面,
: 很难说美国人比中国的中学毕业的民工低。 说美国人懒, 也冤枉他们了, 是人都懒
: , 中国民工也懒, 美国的医生护士每天没看十几个病人, 却抱怨很累, 在美国工作
: 的华人医护人员也抱怨一点也不比中国的医生护士轻松。 我在美国医院当车夫 , 很
: 多车夫的脚都走伤了, 我自己的脚也长鸡眼, 怎么能说美国的车夫轻松呢?
