Nail the Job Interview
Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong will go wrong.
Speight’s Law: Murphy was an optimist!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
9:21 AM
Personality and Motivation
1. Why should we hire you? (page 120)
2. Are you a self-starter? (page 119)
3. What is your greatest strength? (page 109)
What is your greatest weakness? (page 109)
What would you most like to improve about yourself? (page 1 10)
What are some of the reasons for your success? (page 110)
Describe your typical workday. (page 11 1)
Do you anticipate problems or do you react to them? (page 112)
How do you deal with stressful situations? (page 113)
Do you ever lose your temper? (page 113)
How well do you work under deadlines? (page 114)
What contributions did you male to your last company? (page 115)
What will you bring to this position that others won't? (page 1 15)
How well do you get along with your superiors? (page 116)
How well do you get along with your co-workers? (page 1 16)
How do you manage your subordinates? (page 1 17)
How do you feel about working with supervisors who may have less
education than you? (page 1 17)
Do you prefer working alone or with others? (page 1 17)
How do others view your work? (page 1 18')
How do you deal with criticism? (page 118)
Do you consider yourself to be someone who tales greater initiative
than others? (page 119)
Do you consider yourself a risk-taker? (page 1 19)
Are you a good time manager? (page 120)
How important is job security? (page 124)
How do you define success? (page 124)
How do you spend your leisure time? (page 125)
What would be the perfect job for you? (page 129)
What really motivates you to perform on the job? (page 12 1)
How old are you? (page 135)
What does your spouse think about your career? (page 135)
Are you living with anyone? (page 135)
Do you have many debts? (page 135)
Do you own or rent your home? (pages 97 & 135)
What social or political organizations do you belong to? (page 135)
Education and Training
35. Why didn’t you go to college? (page 103)
36. Why didn’t you finish college? (page 103)
37. Why did you select college? (page 02)
38. Why did you major in
39. What was your minor in school? (page 98)
? (pages 92 & 98)
40. How did your major relate to the work you have done since graduation?
(page 102)
41. Why weren’t your grades better in school? (page 100)
42. What subjects did you enjoy most? (page 98)
43. What subjects did you enjoy least? (page 98)
44. If you could go back and do it over again, what would you change
about your college education? (pages 99 6r 102)
What extracurricular activities did you participate in during college?
(page 100)
Tell me about your role in [an extracurricular activity]. (page 100)
What leadership positions did you hold in college? (page 100)
How does your degree prepare you for the job at ? (page 101)
Did you work part-time or full-time while you were in college?
(page 101)
Are you planning to take additional courses or start graduate school
over the next year or two? (page 102)
If you had a choice of several short training sessions to attend, which
two or three would you select? (page 103)
What materials do you read regularly to keep up with what is going on
in your field? (page 103)
What is the most recent skill you have learned? (page 104)
What are your educational goals over the next few years? (page 103)
Experience and Skills
55. Why do you want to leave your job? (pages 93 & 122)
56. Why have you changed jobs so frequently? (page 122)
57. Why would you be more likely to stay here? (page 122)
58. What are your qualifications for this job? (page 105)
59. What experience prepares you for this job? (page 105)
60. What did you like most about your present host recent job? (page 105)
61. What did you like least about that job? (page 106)
62. What did you like most about your boss? (page 107)
63. What did you like least about that boss? (page 107)
Tell me about an ongoing responsibility in your cur endmost recent
job that you enjoyed. (page 11 1)
How does your present/most recent job relate to the overall goals of
your department the company? (page 108)
What has your present/most recent supervisors)( criticized about
your work? (page 1 13)
What duties in your present most recent job do you find it difficult
to do? (page 11 1)
Why do you want to leave your present job? Are you being forced out?
(page 122)
Why should we hire someone like you, with your experience and
motivation? (page 120)
What type of person would you hire for this position? (page 130)
Have you ever been fired or asked to resign? (page 131)
What was the most important contribution you made on your last
job? (page 115)
What do you wish you had accomplished in your yresend most recent
job but were unable to? (page 115)
What is the most important thing you’ve learned from the jobs you’ve
held? (page 120)
Career Goals
75. Tell me about yourself. (page 128)
76. Tell me about your career goals. (page 125)
77. What would you like to accomplish during the next five years [or ten
years]? (page 126)
78. How do your career goals today differ from your career goals five years
ago? (page 126)
79. Where do you see yourself five years from now? (page 127)
Describe a major goal you set for yourself recently? (page 127)
8 1. What are you doing to achieve that goal? (page 127)
82. Have you ever thought of switching careers? (page 127)
83. How does this job compare to what would be the perfect job for you?
(page 129)
84. What would you change about our company to make this your ideal
workplace? (page 129)
85. How long have you been looking for another job? (page 132)
Why You Want This Job
What do you know about our company? (page 128)
What trends do you see in our industry? (page 129)
Why do you want to work for us? (page 121)
How much business would you bring to our firm? (page 112)
What similarities do you see between this and your current most
recent position? (page 130)
What makes this position different from your current most recent
position? ( 13 1)
Why are you willing to take a job you are over-qualified for? (page 123)
Why are you willing to take a pay cut from your previous [present]
position? (page 123)
What would you change about this position? (page 129)
How long would you expect to stay with our company? (page 124)
How do you feel about working overtime or on weekends? (page 114)
Are you willing to relocate? (page 132)
How much are you willing to travel? (page 133)
What are your salary expectations? (page l33)
100. How soon could you begin work? (page 134)
101. Do you have any questions? (pages 147-155)
What would you do if. . . (page 36)
In what situations have you become so involved in the work you were
doing that the day flew by?” (page 34)
If you were to encounter that same situation now, how would you deal
with that person?” (page 34)
If you had a choice of working in our department A or department B,
which would you choose? (page 34)
Why would you make that choice? (page 34)
Tell me about a recent time when you took responsibility for a task
that was outside of your job description. (page 34)
Tell me about a time when you took action without your supewisor’s
prior approval. (page 34)

【在 p******i 的大作中提到】
: Nail the Job Interview
: Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong will go wrong.
: Speight’s Law: Murphy was an optimist!
: Saturday, May 4, 2013
: 9:21 AM
: Personality and Motivation
: 1. Why should we hire you? (page 120)
: 2. Are you a self-starter? (page 119)
: 3. What is your greatest strength? (page 109)
: What is your greatest weakness? (page 109)

我也连挂behavior 两次了。不知道雇主有啥神秘的List。。。
Behavioral question的关键又不在于第一个问题是什么,关键是你回答完第一个问题

【在 p******i 的大作中提到】
: Nail the Job Interview
: Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong will go wrong.
: Speight’s Law: Murphy was an optimist!
: Saturday, May 4, 2013
: 9:21 AM
: Personality and Motivation
: 1. Why should we hire you? (page 120)
: 2. Are you a self-starter? (page 119)
: 3. What is your greatest strength? (page 109)
: What is your greatest weakness? (page 109)

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