贝总真是个充满诗意的行为艺术家 (转载)
贝总真是个充满诗意的行为艺术家 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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【 以下文字转载自 Soccer 讨论区 】
发信人: ARod (Light be with you.), 信区: Soccer
标 题: 贝总真是个充满诗意的行为艺术家
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 18 00:44:24 2013, 美东)
发信人: sealy (天佑中华), 信区: Juventus
标 题: [无关]贝秃性爱派对中曾让女模化妆成。。。
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat May 18 11:03:19 2013), 站内


Dancer says showgirls dressed as Obama, nuns at Berlusconi party

By Sara Rossi
MILAN | Fri May 17, 2013 11:55am EDT
(Reuters) - The nightclub dancer at the center of former Italian Prime
Minister Silvio Berlusconi's "bunga bunga" sex trial told a court on Friday
that guests at the media tycoon's parties dressed as nuns, nurses and U.S.
President Barack Obama.

Karima El Mahroug, better known by her stage name "Ruby the Heartstealer",
spoke as a witness in a trial at which talent scout Lele Mora, television
anchor Emilio Fede and former showgirl and regional councilor Nicole Minetti
are accused of inducing and aiding prostitution.

Berlusconi is being tried separately for paying for sex with El Mahroug when
she was a minor and then abusing office by having her freed from police
custody after her arrest for theft.

Her appearance is nevertheless an embarrassment for the 76-year-old
billionaire, serving as a reminder of the legal threats the leader of the
center-right and key partner in the governing coalition faces.

A verdict in the sex trial is expected in June, and a conviction for tax
fraud is moving to a final appeal. Berlusconi says he has never paid for sex
, denies any wrongdoing and says judges are politically motivated against

El Mahroug failed to appear as a witness at Berlusconi's trial in December
because she was on holiday in Mexico. In her Friday testimony, she
challenged Berlusconi's assertion that events at his villa were elegant
dinner parties.


Glamour model Marysthelle Polanco, one of 14 women who became notorious
after they were discovered to be housed at a Milan address at Berlusconi's
expense, dressed up as Obama and Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho, El Mahroug

On one occasion Minetti, Berlusconi's former dental hygienist who graduated
to a career in showbusiness and politics, "dressed up as a nun ... and as
she danced, she took off her clothes and was left in her underwear," El
Mahroug told the court.

Wearing a large grey scarf and her hair tied back in a sleek ponytail, she
entered the Milan courtroom flanked by police, walking quickly past waiting
journalists. It was the first time she has testified about the parties.

El Mahroug said she received envelopes containing thousands of euros in cash
from the then-prime minister and spent the night at the villa on one
occasion, after which she and several other women who had slept there shared
breakfast with him.

She denied ever having sexual relations with Berlusconi, and said she did
not see him engaged in physical contact with other women at the parties,
repeating statements she has made to the media in the past.

The Moroccan-born El Mahroug was 17 when she attended the parties at
Berlusconi's villa outside Milan. She said she lied about her age and that
she had told guests that she was a relative of former Egyptian leader Hosni

Berlusconi's defense against the abuse of office charge is that he acted
under the belief that El Mahroug was related to Mubarak, and that he needed
to free her from police custody to prevent a diplomatic upset.

(Reporting by Sara Rossi, writing by Naomi O'Leary; editing by Mike Collett-

【在 b*****2 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Soccer 讨论区 】
: 发信人: ARod (Light be with you.), 信区: Soccer
: 标 题: 贝总真是个充满诗意的行为艺术家
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 18 00:44:24 2013, 美东)
: 发信人: sealy (天佑中华), 信区: Juventus
: 标 题: [无关]贝秃性爱派对中曾让女模化妆成。。。
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Sat May 18 11:03:19 2013), 站内
: 奥黑和小罗。。。


【在 b*****2 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Soccer 讨论区 】
: 发信人: ARod (Light be with you.), 信区: Soccer
: 标 题: 贝总真是个充满诗意的行为艺术家
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 18 00:44:24 2013, 美东)
: 发信人: sealy (天佑中华), 信区: Juventus
: 标 题: [无关]贝秃性爱派对中曾让女模化妆成。。。
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Sat May 18 11:03:19 2013), 站内
: 奥黑和小罗。。。
