试着写写, 楼主看看, 大家一起总结:
1. Clone Graph-> BFS+HashMap
2. Gas Station->DP
3. Candy->Two Pointers
4. Single Number-> Xor, HashMap, or Sum or Product way to find
5. Single Number II -> Xor, HashMap
6. Copy List with Random Pointers -> Two Pointers, HashMap with two times
traverse(like clone graph)
7. List Cycle, List Cycle II, Reorder List-> Two Pointers
8. Binary Tree Preorder, Postorder recursive -> Using stack to mock
recursive way, or implement like morris way.
9. LRU Cache-> HashMap + list
10. Insertion sort list -> Two Pointers
11. Sort List-> I implement merge sort, still, two pointers method,
combination of merge sort list and split
----forgot Word Break--
12. Word Break -> DFS DP
13. Word Break II -> DP + Backtracking