传三胖已被范伟逮捕# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
• Fix a URL matching program written by a junior engineer that
takes 4 weeks to output the number of URLs from a set of 100 billion that
match a known set of 1 billion URLs. The 1 billion URLs are stored on disk,
the machine has 1GB of RAM, and the 100B set is arriving over the network.
How to make it take only 4 days?
貌似不能用好几个machine,那怎么提高速度? 请各位大侠指教,多谢!!
takes 4 weeks to output the number of URLs from a set of 100 billion that
match a known set of 1 billion URLs. The 1 billion URLs are stored on disk,
the machine has 1GB of RAM, and the 100B set is arriving over the network.
How to make it take only 4 days?
貌似不能用好几个machine,那怎么提高速度? 请各位大侠指教,多谢!!