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Unions question equipment used
Some Spanish unions have blamed the government, saying they warned it that
the personal protective equipment used by the medical team was not of the
highest standard.
And angry doctors and nurses outside the Carlos III Hospital where the nurse
's assistant is being treated -- and where the two missionaries were cared
for before her -- said they were outraged the pair had been brought to the
hospital, one in August and the other in September.
READ: Ebola drugs in the works
They said that the two priests, Miguel Pajares and Manuel Garcia Viejo, were
almost dead when they arrived, and that they should not have been brought
back to Spain, thereby putting other people's lives at risk.
Spanish Health Minister Ana Mato announced Monday that testing had confirmed
the nurse's assistant has the virus.
The husband of the nurse's assistant, who is under observation, is not sick,
a spokesman for the Health Ministry said. It was not clear whether he is
under quarantine. The couple have no children.
The assistant was one of about 30 health professionals in Spain who helped
to treat the Ebola patients. They and the ambulance team that took her to
the hospital are now reportedly under observation.
Unions question equipment used
Some Spanish unions have blamed the government, saying they warned it that
the personal protective equipment used by the medical team was not of the
highest standard.
And angry doctors and nurses outside the Carlos III Hospital where the nurse
's assistant is being treated -- and where the two missionaries were cared
for before her -- said they were outraged the pair had been brought to the
hospital, one in August and the other in September.
READ: Ebola drugs in the works
They said that the two priests, Miguel Pajares and Manuel Garcia Viejo, were
almost dead when they arrived, and that they should not have been brought
back to Spain, thereby putting other people's lives at risk.
Spanish Health Minister Ana Mato announced Monday that testing had confirmed
the nurse's assistant has the virus.
The husband of the nurse's assistant, who is under observation, is not sick,
a spokesman for the Health Ministry said. It was not clear whether he is
under quarantine. The couple have no children.
The assistant was one of about 30 health professionals in Spain who helped
to treat the Ebola patients. They and the ambulance team that took her to
the hospital are now reportedly under observation.
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她们和他们的世界Facebook 上戳一下的功能吗,是调情专用吗?千万!不要!刮! 你的肛口毛!!!!zz忍耐力测试-最终爆发了车版有双黄包子贴美国去那里跳广场舞?扯蛋高手:男子用睾丸拉起160斤砖垛摆动 用时10分钟(图)女大学生偷拍4名舍友裸照 称男友喜欢看奇葩:28名丹麦籍“伊斯兰国”成员获丹政府失业津贴 (转载)Re: 旁观者,说说看军版的感受 (转载)hehe:群众对着cnn镜头高喊fuck cnn (转载)严肃的学术问题:B是全国通用词吗?中以情投意合:以色列已下决心跟随中国假说:南方人名字两个字的多,北方人没有那么多兔子发大招大过节的,还在版上出没的诸君,今年黑五没啥好deal啊趁着感恩节的春风,术版发起互相感恩表扬发包子活动包拯和包拯的敏锐苏州瓜子哥唧唧歪歪数分钟遭猛男暴打 (转载)