Part-time editors wanted, No Plagiarism,No Counterfeiting (转载)
Part-time editors wanted, No Plagiarism,No Counterfeiting (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: wodeng1 (biomedword), 信区: Biology
标 题: Part-time editors wanted, No Plagiarism,No Counterfeiting
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 4 01:15:11 2014, 美东)
Biomedical background part-time editors wanted, No Plagiarism,No
BiomedWorld is an editing company established to help international
biomedical researchers eliminate language barriers and get their work
recognized and published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. We have
established a long term relationship with American Medical Writers
Association (AMWA) and we are the official business partner of AMWA.
With the spreading of the company, we have experiencing increasing
amount of requests for editing biomedical manuscripts from both basic
researchers and clinicians. We are now recruiting part-time editors who are
experienced in editing biomedical manuscripts for journal publications and
related documents.
Why choose BiomedWorld?
 By working with us, you will get familiar with the peer's academic
activities from scientists of China mainland from different levels of
institutions & hospitals, lift yourself by giving contribution to Chinese
academic development and help domestic scientists get involved into global
communication and international scientific affairs.
 It is a great opportunity to stand out of your daily job and
prepare to get inspired by investigating peers' work.
 You may also earn an opportunity to be journal reviewer which may
benefit yourself in many ways.
 We are offering satisfactory remuneration.
 Once you join our editors team, we promise that your personal
information will be safe and always under confidential maintenance with us.
It will not appear on the company's website or anywhere else unless
authorized by you.
 We stick to the (basic line of) ethics and principles of scientific
researches, and refuse to copy, plagiarize or counterfeit for our clients.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for part-time editors with a PhD or MD degree.
Candidates must familiar with either clinical practice and/or basic medical/
biomedical/clinical researches. Experience in publication in SCI journals is
a must. More than 2 years overseas professional experience is a plus.
Here is our company's website: If you have already been working with us as a part time editor, please send your application and resume documents to [email protected]
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