他有女朋友,你是单身狗…… [转]# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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Disclaimer: Take it at your own risk. I have no monetary incentive to post
this info.
Non-invasive, no drug, no surgery.
Use localized MRI to stimulate nucleus for serotonin (5-HT) release.
Watching the video kind of scare me,
1) it does not look really localized.
2) kind of like supersonic wave response.
3) nucleus does not consist of one single type of neurons.
Again, take it at your own risk. It is FDA arrpoved.
Disclaimer: Take it at your own risk. I have no monetary incentive to post
this info.
Non-invasive, no drug, no surgery.
Use localized MRI to stimulate nucleus for serotonin (5-HT) release.
Watching the video kind of scare me,
1) it does not look really localized.
2) kind of like supersonic wave response.
3) nucleus does not consist of one single type of neurons.
Again, take it at your own risk. It is FDA arrpoved.