文贵作为我党深喉,这次要记两个一等功了 (转载)
文贵作为我党深喉,这次要记两个一等功了 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: xiaodiu23 (小小小阿苏勒), 信区: EB23
标 题: 关于2017财年剩余月份的排期,奥本同志又给指示了。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 20 17:56:49 2017, 美东)
The Chief of the Visa Control and Reporting Division, Charles Oppenheim, at
the Department of State recently provided some insight to the American
Immigration Lawyers Association regarding priority dates and immigrant visa
availability in the coming months:
EB-1 China and India: The final action date for EB-1 China and EB-1 India
that was imposed in June 2017 is expected to hold through the end of this
fiscal year (ie through September 30th). So far this fiscal year, EB-1 China
has used more than 6,300 numbers and EB-1 India has used more than 12,900 (
due to spillover from unused Worldwide EB-1 numbers).
EB-2 Worldwide: A final action cut-off date will be imposed in August and
will remain through September.
EB-2 India: Minimal advancement is expected through the rest of the fiscal
year. The final action date may only get to September or October 2008,
rather than the anticipated February 2009 in the Dates for Filing chart.
This is mainly due to fewer unused numbers becoming available from Worldwide
EB-2 and approximately 40 percent of the available EB-2 India numbers are
being used by beneficiaries who have upgraded from EB-3 India.
EB-2 and EB-3 China: Slow progress in EB-2 China is expected through the
remainder of the fiscal year. By contrast, EB-3 China has retrogressed as a
result of a significant amount of EB-3 downgrades. The final action date of
January 1, 2012, for EB-3 China will hold through the end of this fiscal
year. In October, EB-3 China is expected to advance to October 1, 2014.
EB-3 Worldwide: In July, EB-3 Worldwide will advance less than two months to
June 8, 2017, keeping this category effectively current.
EB-3 India: The otherwise unused numbers from EB-3 Worldwide are allocated
in order of priority date, meaning that these numbers will fall to EB-3
India, which has the earliest final action date in the EB-3 category.
Therefore, this category should continue to advance.
EB-3 Philippines: This category is expected to advance to a date in the fall
of 2015 before the end of this fiscal year.
EB-5 China: This category may advance by one week in August. Some additional
forward movement may be possible for September as well, depending on demand.
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wizardoz (hoho), 信区: Military
标 题: 文贵作为我党深喉,这次要记两个一等功了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 28 12:02:12 2017, 美东)
不辱使命,使党的十九大顺利圆满闭幕, 圆满完成党交给你的任务,居功至伟, 这