黄牛对白男果然能忍# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
This is Google's cache of https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/
7zhn0s/update_i_23f_broke_up_with_my_ex_22m_because_his/. It is a snapshot
of the page as it appeared on 23 Feb 2018 01:11:27 GMT.
The current page could have changed in the meantime.
submitted 5 hours ago by poopepoop
Hi, all. It's been a year since I made this post. Obviously, as the title
states, he is now my ex. I am thankful for all the straightforward comments
that most of you made on that thread because it really catapulted me into
action. This is gonna be a long post, so I have a tl;dr version at the
bottom. Since that post, I ended up writing the letter that I said I was
going to write. I still have that letter to serve as a reminder of how much
"compromise" I had to make at one point because I thought I wasn't worth it.
The letter disparaged the racist dad, to the point where he called his son
and screamed about how I was a terrorist!
Fast forward to a couple of months later, I was weeks from graduating from
college and found out my aunt, who was basically my second mother, was dying
of her second battle of breast cancer. It was too late for her to find out
because at that point, her cancer had already spread through her lymph nodes
. Four weeks after, she passed away in her sleep, and I was spiraling into
depression. At this time, I broke up with my ex, saying that we were both
young, and there is always room to change for the both of us. If it doesn't
work out now, it may work out years down the road. He didn't fight it much,
and he pretended like nothing happened until, three days later, he drank a
half bottle of vodka straight and told me he was contemplating suicide.
Growing up, my mother always guilt tripped me with suicidal threats, but I
grew accustomed to it; however, this was a different person, and I was in a
vulnerable state of mind. I ran out of the apartment (we were living
together), and I went to one of my best friend's place in a panic because I
didn't know what to do. He said we should call suicide hotline and ask them
for the best course of action. The operator said that we should start by
doing a wellness check on him, since at that point it had been almost an
hour since I left him alone. I called the police to do a wellness check, and
I told our roommate to keep an eye on my ex. When the police came, my ex
was in our room, crying, and they talked briefly before he asked the police
to take him for immediate professional help.
Long story short, my ex went to a mental rehab place, where his parents,
sister, and cousins blamed me for causing him to want to die and terrorized
me over Facebook and text messages for days. When he got out, I stupidly
listened to his doctor's advice to continue living with him because he was
suffering from maladaptive personality. So we got another apartment lease
together, and I went back to my home country to clear my mind.
When I visited my parents, I told my dad everything, and one thing he told
me that made me feel good about my decision to leave was: You might not see
it, but you are worth so much. Don't let other people tell you they love you
if they can't do anything for you because love is sacrifice. Just days
after arriving, my best friend (now boyfriend) flew from Korea to visit me
back home to give moral support, and I was beginning to climb up from the
hole that depression dug me into.
I came back to the US with a better state of mind. I got a job and was
beginning to feel more like myself until my ex (remember when I said I made
the stupid decision to continue living with him?) started sexually
assaulting me and pretending like he never did. He also would berate me
about having sex every day, literally every other message was, "Can we do
something dirty tonight? I wanna fuck you on the balcony." Luckily, our
apartment complex let me out of the lease early and penalty-free after three
months because I couldn't handle it anymore.
Fast forward to today, I bought a condo, got into grad school for a
chemistry PhD program, and I am in a super healthy (but long distance :'( )
relationship with a man who loves me and is willing to cross oceans for me (
he's visiting again in April!) because he said I'm worth it.
Sorry for the long-ass wall of text, but I just wanted to express my
gratitude to everyone who shamed me enough into leaving the POS :D
tl;dr: Left my spineless ex and his raging racist of a dad, life took a turn
for the worse, fixed everything, and now I am a homeowner, working on her
PhD, and am with a man who thinks the world of me.
不过我现在对找到google's cache比较感兴趣,怎么做到的?


【在 B*****e 的大作中提到】
: This is Google's cache of https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/
: 7zhn0s/update_i_23f_broke_up_with_my_ex_22m_because_his/. It is a snapshot
: of the page as it appeared on 23 Feb 2018 01:11:27 GMT.
: The current page could have changed in the meantime.
: submitted 5 hours ago by poopepoop
: Hi, all. It's been a year since I made this post. Obviously, as the title
: states, he is now my ex. I am thankful for all the straightforward comments
: that most of you made on that thread because it really catapulted me into
: action. This is gonna be a long post, so I have a tl;dr version at the
: bottom. Since that post, I ended up writing the letter that I said I was

Google 搜索结果右边的三角形下拉菜单里面有。

【在 D***s 的大作中提到】
: 昨天看过原文也看过这帖子,没觉得啥。就是嫌弃ex家老爸粗鲁,ex软弱而且性骚扰。
: 现在找到真爱云云。
: 不过我现在对找到google's cache比较感兴趣,怎么做到的?
: comments

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