“First of all, Russia, as a state, has never interfered with the internal
affairs of the United States, let alone its elections,” Putin replied.
Putin also denied having “kompromat” -- or "compromising material" -- on
Trump. Earlier Monday, after Putin and Trump’s joint news conference, House
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California claimed Trump’s “weakness in
front of Putin... proves that the Russians have something on the president,
personally, financially or politically.”
“We don't have anything on them,” Putin said.
He added: “I don't want to insult President Trump when I say this -- and I
may come as rude -- but before he announced that he will run for presidency,
he was of no interest for us.”
The rumor of the Russians having compromising information on Trump was a
central claim in the unverified and salacious dossier written by British ex-
spy Christopher Steele and financed by Democrats that made its way to the
FBI during the early stages of the Russia investigation.
“He was a rich person, but, well, there's plenty of rich persons in the
United States,” Putin said of Trump. “He was in the construction business.
He organized the beauty pageants. But no, it would never occur to anyone
that he would think of running for president.”
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