2 楼
4 楼
这个很有道理。 所以银河系中心地带 二环以内
【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: 阎王爷住在地幔还是地核
: https://www.zhihu.com/question/304133742
这个很有道理。 所以银河系中心地带 二环以内
【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: 阎王爷住在地幔还是地核
: https://www.zhihu.com/question/304133742
6 楼
知乎太鸡贼 这么普通一个楼还非要app打开
【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: 阎王爷住在地幔还是地核
: https://www.zhihu.com/question/304133742
【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: 阎王爷住在地幔还是地核
: https://www.zhihu.com/question/304133742
11 楼
12 楼
”3雷电是电磁脉冲 所以是交流电”
放屁 雷电是个大电弧 多半是纯粹的直流放电 电磁脉冲是电弧的副产品
最早的人工电磁波(比如无线电报)就是用电弧产生的 但是电弧本身可以是直流放电
展交流升压之前 人类造的电弧大多都是直流电弧 :或者是电池堆出来的 或者是静
雷电本身起源就是静电起电机-电容 下雨的时候电容发生击穿
【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: 阎王爷住在地幔还是地核
: https://www.zhihu.com/question/304133742
放屁 雷电是个大电弧 多半是纯粹的直流放电 电磁脉冲是电弧的副产品
最早的人工电磁波(比如无线电报)就是用电弧产生的 但是电弧本身可以是直流放电
展交流升压之前 人类造的电弧大多都是直流电弧 :或者是电池堆出来的 或者是静
雷电本身起源就是静电起电机-电容 下雨的时候电容发生击穿
【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: 阎王爷住在地幔还是地核
: https://www.zhihu.com/question/304133742
15 楼
让大师告诉你吧:sprit 无锁版!三网通吃!!!
20 楼
子核密度这么高 令人细思恐极啊
再想想电子 虽然很轻 但是更小啊
example, if we take our current theories at face value and assume that
general relativity extends down to microscopic scales, an point-particle
electron would actually be a black hole with a radius of 10e-57 m
. However, as the Wikipedia article explains, the electron's charge is
larger than the theoretical allowed maximum charge of a black hole of that
mass. This would mean that either the electron would be a very exotic naked
singularity (which would be theoretically problematic), or general
relativity has to break at some point before you get down to that scale. It'
s commonly believed that the latter is true, which is why so many people are
occupied by searching for a quantum theory of gravity.
However, as I've mentioned, we do know that whatever spatial extent the
electron may have cannot be larger than 10e-22 m, and we're still two
orders of magnitude away from probing that with the most powerful particle
accelerator in the world. So for at least the foreseeable future, the
electron will effectively be a point.
【在 H********g 的大作中提到】
: 古人秤不准 就算5吨重 假如缩到耳朵里是1cm长大约1mm粗 那密度就是5e8
: 地球平均密度是5 核心密度13 太阳平均密度1.4 核心密度150 白矮星密度1e6 原子核
: 和中子星密度1e14 黑洞1e15
: 猴子要能把棍子缩到100umx10um 就赶上原子核密度了 要实现这个 他可以把棍子里
: 的电子都憋出去 把质子都变成中子 最后变成一个耳膜上的纤毛那么大的中子棍
再想想电子 虽然很轻 但是更小啊
example, if we take our current theories at face value and assume that
general relativity extends down to microscopic scales, an point-particle
electron would actually be a black hole with a radius of 10e-57 m
. However, as the Wikipedia article explains, the electron's charge is
larger than the theoretical allowed maximum charge of a black hole of that
mass. This would mean that either the electron would be a very exotic naked
singularity (which would be theoretically problematic), or general
relativity has to break at some point before you get down to that scale. It'
s commonly believed that the latter is true, which is why so many people are
occupied by searching for a quantum theory of gravity.
However, as I've mentioned, we do know that whatever spatial extent the
electron may have cannot be larger than 10e-22 m, and we're still two
orders of magnitude away from probing that with the most powerful particle
accelerator in the world. So for at least the foreseeable future, the
electron will effectively be a point.
【在 H********g 的大作中提到】
: 古人秤不准 就算5吨重 假如缩到耳朵里是1cm长大约1mm粗 那密度就是5e8
: 地球平均密度是5 核心密度13 太阳平均密度1.4 核心密度150 白矮星密度1e6 原子核
: 和中子星密度1e14 黑洞1e15
: 猴子要能把棍子缩到100umx10um 就赶上原子核密度了 要实现这个 他可以把棍子里
: 的电子都憋出去 把质子都变成中子 最后变成一个耳膜上的纤毛那么大的中子棍
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