area ranking vs. overall ranking# Law - 律师事务所
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I want to ask those people who already study in law school or work in law
related jobs -- which school weighs better if one has very high area ranking
in the area that I'm interested in and the other has a good overall ranking
(20-30)? I don't want to move anywhere and the surrounding schools only offer
these limited choices. So which one is better? Or it doesn't really matter
because you will end up with a job anyway and it's your job performance that
related jobs -- which school weighs better if one has very high area ranking
in the area that I'm interested in and the other has a good overall ranking
(20-30)? I don't want to move anywhere and the surrounding schools only offer
these limited choices. So which one is better? Or it doesn't really matter
because you will end up with a job anyway and it's your job performance that