What is copyrighted?# Law - 律师事务所
Hi, I did a toy website
I heard some comments about copyright issue. Yes I did
used the design of google.com but it seems to me that
the design is too simple. Could anyone elaborate exactly
which part has copyright issue. To me, the text effect
is very easy to do and there is no trademark issue here.
It will be very strange if there is a copyright here,
because there are a thousands of companies using the
same font of "Microsoft" in their logos.
Thanks a lot.
not sure what u mean by 'design of google,'but "look & feel" can be
copyrighted or patented. for example, those small icons in "winord." surpsied
to see that no one else uses them?
font of 'microsoft' can hardly be copyrighted. but it can be patented -
industrial design, in some countries, e.g., EU.

【在 g******d 的大作中提到】
: Hi, I did a toy website
: http://www.OneImageHost.com
: I heard some comments about copyright issue. Yes I did
: used the design of google.com but it seems to me that
: the design is too simple. Could anyone elaborate exactly
: which part has copyright issue. To me, the text effect
: is very easy to do and there is no trademark issue here.
: It will be very strange if there is a copyright here,
: because there are a thousands of companies using the
: same font of "Microsoft" in their logos.

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