2 楼
but then you would have to work as a legal assistant. that's what you want?
4 楼
isn't it illegal to work at one position with the visa for a different
position? Would not it be a problem for USCIS if he or she get paid at 160k
which is way beyond the salary band for legal assistants?
position? Would not it be a problem for USCIS if he or she get paid at 160k
which is way beyond the salary band for legal assistants?
5 楼
I mean H1b requires that the person who applied for the profession have
license to do the work, so...how about legal assistant etc.? Anyone
succeeded in getting H1b for a legal position without showing proof that
they have already had the license?
license to do the work, so...how about legal assistant etc.? Anyone
succeeded in getting H1b for a legal position without showing proof that
they have already had the license?
6 楼
ask the law firm - they regularly hire immigration firms which may give you
a creative solution for this situation.
a creative solution for this situation.
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