我本科是放射医学专业。在美国做了快十年科研。申请Patent bar考试时我递了CV和本 科成绩单,并在cover letter里说明希望通过C类申请。回信被据。不能通过C类申请的 原因是我没通过fundamentals engineering test. 另外要求我递交official course descriptions. 内容如下: Official course description missing. According to your transcript, your degree is not in Category A. You must supply official course descriptions concurrent with the year in which the course was taken, copies of the catalog cover page showing the year, pages describing the requirements of the major of the courses you wish to have considered. (see General requirements brochure at pages 4-5). You submitted a copy of a document entitled "Course description for Radiation Medicine program;" However, the document does not describe the content of the coursework which applicant wishes OED to consider under Category B. 我现在比较担心我通过不了B类申请。因为不仅临床课程不在他们的list里,像免疫, 病理,病理生理等也不在list里。 他让我提供课程内容,那么多课,我只能一个一个找,一个一个翻译成英文了。 “catalog cover page showing the year, pages”我想相当于国内的教学大纲了。 我94年上的大学,到那去找那时候的教学大纲。 请大家帮忙出主意。谢谢。 有一些LSAT复习资料送人,请发站内email.
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另外一个问题是,valgrind报错: address 0XXXXXXXX is not allocated, stacked,or (recently) freed。 这种错误如何去找到root cause呢?