最近在研究googlevoice python script。 这个script是用来登录google voice的。现在用这个script总是出错,似乎是因为不支 持cookie。 比较关键的几行是 content = self.__do_page('login').read() # holy hackjob galx = re.search(r"name="GALX"\s+value="(.+)"", content).group(1) self.__do_page('login', {'Email': email, 'Passwd': passwd, 'GALX': galx}) 这里面'login'是https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service= grandcentral do page的定义是 def __do_page(self, page, data=None, headers={}): """ Loads a page out of the settings and pass it on to urllib Request """ page = page.upper() if isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, tuple): data = urlencode(data) headers.update({'User-Agent': 'PyGoogleVoice/0.5'}) if log: log.debug('%s?%s - %s' % (getattr(settings, page)[22:], data or '', headers)) if page in ('DOWNLOAD','XML_SEARCH'): return urlopen(Request(getattr(settings, page) + data, None, headers)) if data: headers.update({'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form- urlencoded;charset=utf-8'}) return urlopen(Request(getattr(settings, page), data, headers)) 有高手能帮我看看怎么回事么?谢谢。
7 楼
14th edition preferred. Thanks!
8 楼
middle 30's, working as a patent scientist in a big law now, family cannot move together to BOSTON, waiting for green card, my English is just so-so, and shy/introvert/not talkative (but quite friendly) personality Havard full-time costs 40k tuition + 20k extra living expense x 3 years cannot keep my current job family cannot move together Local nameless school part-time costs 8k only x 4 years can keep my current job stay together with family, no extra living expense Any advice?
Yes, you can. I remember you have to fill out the Form 843 and all support documents. I help one of Korea guy to get his refund when he left USA several years ago.
There should be plenty of decent law schools in Los Angeles area. You shoul d try applying more schools, since it's just the beginning of the applicatio n season. If your credentials helped you get admitted into HLS, USC or UCLA will be more than willing to offer you scholarships, and perhaps a full rid e.
【在 R******e 的大作中提到】 : middle 30's, working as a patent scientist in a big law now, family cannot : move together to BOSTON, waiting for green card, my English is just so-so, : and shy/introvert/not talkative (but quite friendly) personality : Havard full-time costs 40k tuition + 20k extra living expense x 3 years : cannot keep my current job : family cannot move together : Local nameless school part-time costs 8k only x 4 years : can keep my current job : stay together with family, no extra living expense : Any advice?
14 楼
No, you can't get FICA tax back unless it is wrongly withdraw FICA tax. Form 843 is for those J-1 and F-1 s to get FICA tax back since they don't have to pay FICA tax.. You dont' have to leave the country to get your FICA back if you wrongly withdraw FICA tax.
【在 S*********w 的大作中提到】 : Yes, you can. I remember you have to fill out the Form 843 and all support : documents. I help one of Korea guy to get his refund when he left USA : several years ago.
I have ucla admission as well. But how can I get scholarship from ucla? I don't believe my credentials are really that super. I am just a qualified applicant with some good luck. My LSAT 171 is probably in the lower half of Harvard range.
shoul applicatio UCLA rid
【在 a**********m 的大作中提到】 : There should be plenty of decent law schools in Los Angeles area. You shoul : d try applying more schools, since it's just the beginning of the applicatio : n season. If your credentials helped you get admitted into HLS, USC or UCLA : will be more than willing to offer you scholarships, and perhaps a full rid : e.
18 楼
19 楼
en, 所以感情充沛的可以溢出来
【在 A****e 的大作中提到】 : 年轻啊。
20 楼
我记得通过这个链接登陆google,需要在 header里面加信息 你再看看
21 楼
Is today April 1st?
22 楼
好像是不用cookie, 你登陆完以后 页面里面会有个认证码 把认证码加到header里去 就行了
23 楼
UCLA full-time program would be your best shot. I don't know why you even w anna try the "crappy" school's part-time program...
【在 R******e 的大作中提到】 : I have ucla admission as well. : But how can I get scholarship from ucla? I don't believe my credentials are : really that super. I am just a qualified applicant with some good luck. My : LSAT 171 is probably in the lower half of Harvard range. : : shoul : applicatio : UCLA : rid
24 楼
{'User-Agent': 'PyGoogleVoice/0.5'} 这个可能换成别的好一点
25 楼
A simple reason, money, crappy part time allows me to keep my full time job that is avout 80k Also they gave me generous scholarship so final Cost is less than 10k a year. Also, if I just want to keep doing patent job, I don't need a good jd to get a job since I have a job in big law already.
【在 a**********m 的大作中提到】 : UCLA full-time program would be your best shot. I don't know why you even w : anna try the "crappy" school's part-time program... : : are
Nope, did not expect get Harvard admission, was just applying for a try and see, who knows, probably very lucky or did a good job at 15 min Skype interview.
【在 m**********r 的大作中提到】 : Is today April 1st?
28 楼
程序登入Google voice有什么用处?好奇问一下
29 楼
In this case, I would advise you keep the job and go to the part-time program.
【在 R******e 的大作中提到】 : A simple reason, money, : crappy part time allows me to keep my full time job that is avout 80k : Also they gave me generous scholarship so final Cost is less than 10k a : year. : Also, if I just want to keep doing patent job, I don't need a good jd to get : a job since I have a job in big law already. : : w
30 楼
可以自动发短信 定时发短信 大量发短信 我就能想这么多 :D
31 楼
Try UCI Law school--they talked about giving full tuition scholarship to patent law-oriented students.
32 楼
why did u apply for a full time program in Boston in the first place?
【在 R******e 的大作中提到】 : middle 30's, working as a patent scientist in a big law now, family cannot : move together to BOSTON, waiting for green card, my English is just so-so, : and shy/introvert/not talkative (but quite friendly) personality : Havard full-time costs 40k tuition + 20k extra living expense x 3 years : cannot keep my current job : family cannot move together : Local nameless school part-time costs 8k only x 4 years : can keep my current job : stay together with family, no extra living expense : Any advice?
33 楼
Thank you for the advice. Yes, I did apply for UCI and got their scholarship . My attorny friends told me it is going to be a top law school, but it is more gambling, since it is not fully accredited yet.
【在 a********l 的大作中提到】 : Try UCI Law school--they talked about giving full tuition scholarship to : patent law-oriented students.
34 楼
Harvard is not merely "a" full time program in Boston, right? it is the best (at least top 3) law school, for the name recognition, no particular other reasons, just try and see, also why not? exactly the same application materials and just another $80.
【在 L*********h 的大作中提到】 : why did u apply for a full time program in Boston in the first place?
【在 R******e 的大作中提到】 : Harvard is not merely "a" full time program in Boston, right? : it is the best (at least top 3) law school, for the name recognition, no : particular other reasons, just try and see, also why not? exactly the same : application materials and just another $80.
36 楼
It depends on your long-term career plan. Do you plan to stay with your current firm for the next 5+ years? Do you want to make partner at your current firm? If you do, just choose some local school. By the time you graduate, your work experience rather than your school title would be your bargain chip. If you plan to move to a different firm later on anyway, just go with Harvard. The name will be with u for your whole life.
既然你不想去Boston,为啥当初申请在Boston的program涅?总不能去Harvard又不去 Boston吧? 你要说Harvard is not merely "a" full time program in Boston, 那就去咯,还跟 这问啥纠结什么劲?
【在 R******e 的大作中提到】 : Harvard is not merely "a" full time program in Boston, right? : it is the best (at least top 3) law school, for the name recognition, no : particular other reasons, just try and see, also why not? exactly the same : application materials and just another $80.
【在 R******e 的大作中提到】 : middle 30's, working as a patent scientist in a big law now, family cannot : move together to BOSTON, waiting for green card, my English is just so-so, : and shy/introvert/not talkative (but quite friendly) personality : Havard full-time costs 40k tuition + 20k extra living expense x 3 years : cannot keep my current job : family cannot move together : Local nameless school part-time costs 8k only x 4 years : can keep my current job : stay together with family, no extra living expense : Any advice?
【在 i********t 的大作中提到】 : It depends on your long-term career plan. : Do you plan to stay with your current firm for the next 5+ years? Do you : want to make partner at your current firm? If you do, just choose some local : school. By the time you graduate, your work experience rather than your : school title would be your bargain chip. : If you plan to move to a different firm later on anyway, just go with : Harvard. The name will be with u for your whole life.
45 楼
我倒觉得这跟现在的career plan关系不大,因为career planning常常改变的,特别是 读了HLS之后,选择完全不一样,眼界也不一样,对钱的看法,对自己career的期望值 和计划,都会很快改变。 我给你两条实在的建议: 1. 如果选择full time读书,就去Harvard,不要考虑其他学校的奖学金。理由同下。 所以要么HLS,要么就part time读书。 2. 在HLS和part time之间,我建议去读full time HLS。理由有三: 第一,在美国,有学位的话,整个career path和混的圈子都不一样,起点高很多,跟 没有学位在firm里面做specialist是不一样的,而且HLS的毕业生,自己努力的话,法 律之外也有很多选择。虽说事在人为,但是再不济,找一个小点的所,做个十几年还是 没问题的,没有学位或者读个本地的普通part time,你觉得你做合伙人的可能性有多 少,不做的话能挣多少钱?可能是完全不一样的数量级。特别是你提到你并不是超级牛 人,但是这两年申请人少,可能有lucky的成分,那这个机会就更难得。 第二,你现在对钱的看法我理解,但是根据我的经验,如果你选择读书的话,你的观念 会很快改变。举个例子,当年读法学院一年级的时候,大家的想法都跟你差不多,觉得 很贵,花钱很节省,还有人干一些猥琐的事情(这些都是针对所有学生,不只是比较困 难的人,大部分白人、犹太人都一样,有免费pizza一下子就抢光了)。到第二年就没 人提这事了,觉得当年的自己很傻,为了一点小钱败坏了自己在同届中的名誉。到了第 二年实习的时候,大家都是抢着付账,因为大家都发现跟事业和声誉比起来,这点钱根 本不算什么,而机会和声誉是钱买不到的——如果你真的读书,也要记得这一点。 Harvard的need-based奖学金和贷款计划很好,读下来并且一家人体面生活不成问题, 你进了学校,面试过了,对行业的情况,包括薪酬,更有了解了,就会明白我的话。 第三,哲学一点,人生不是看终点,是看过程。所以上面说了这么多,但也许更重要的 是,你的人生轨迹是怎样的,会有怎样的经历和体验,而不是最终死的时候存款帐号上 的一个数字,去做一个风险收益分析。所以说,也许HLS的学位不能保证说你最后的那 个数字更高,但是它给你提供的可能性和轨迹是不一样的。更何况,这个世界上本来就 没有100%的东西,如果说你要寻找对自己将来能挣多少钱的保证的话,it may be one of the closest things to a guarantee you can get。