纽约客写手 Malcolm Gladwell 被发现抄袭
纽约客写手 Malcolm Gladwell 被发现抄袭# LeisureTime - 读书听歌看电影
他的书,很多人都喜欢看,The Tipping Points, outliers, blink..等等。。
Bloggers Target Malcolm Gladwell With Plagiarism Claims
"CrushingBort" and "BlippoBlappo," the pseudonymous media bloggers who have
previously leveled plagiarism charges against CNN's Fareed Zakaria and
BuzzFeed's Benny Johnson, have found a new target in longtime New Yorker
writer Malcolm Gladwell. CrushingBort teased the supposed exposé on Twitter
last week:
While we're on the subject of bad journalists, Our Bad Media will have an
all-new, all-bad high-profile plagiarist to highlight next week
— Pa-Rum-Pa-Bum-Bort (@crushingbort) December 3, 2014
"After reviewing a very small sample of his articles from the last few years
, we’ve found a few that lifted quotes and other material without
attribution," the bloggers and Twitter personalities write in a post
published Thursday morning. "One column in particular appears to have lifted
all of its material on a historic civil rights protest from one book
written 40 years earlier."
In a now familiar format, the post goes on to place highlighted screenshots
from three Gladwell pieces side by side with the sources they are alleged to
have borrowed from—including a 1988 book on Steve Jobs and a 1970 book on
the early civil rights movement. Here's an example, with CrushingBort and
BlippoBlappo highlighting:
In a statement provided to Newsweek, New Yorker editor David Remnick said
that journalism sourcing is an "ongoing challenge known to writers and
editors everywhere" and acknowledged that Gladwell's piece should have
credited the civil rights book from 1970:
The issue is not really about Malcolm. And, to be clear, it isn't about
plagiarism. The issue is an ongoing editorial challenge known to writers and
editors everywhere—to what extent should a piece of journalism, which
doesn't have the apparatus of academic footnotes, credit secondary sources?
It's an issue that can get complicated when there are many sources with
overlapping information. There are cases where the details of an episode
have passed into history and are widespread in the literature. There are
cases that involve a unique source. We try to make judgments about source
attribution with fairness and in good faith. But we don't always get it
right. In retrospect, for example, we should have credited Miles Wolff's
1970 book about Greensboro, because it's central to our understanding of
those events. We sometimes fall short, but our hope is always to give
readers and sources the consideration they deserve.
Reached via email, Gladwell directed Newsweek to a 6,500-word essay about
plagiarism charges and copyright law, which he published in The New Yorker
in 2004.
"I think David Remnick is about to (or already has) said something on this,"
Gladwell wrote. "This, from long ago, perhaps best captures my feelings on
this subject:"