☆─────────────────────────────────────☆ fckdsb (GFDS) 于 (Wed Jan 14 15:47:35 2009) 提到: 允我挖一个普及坑 为什么来北美的中国人都不信或转犹太教 这个版叫宗教信仰 但是满版都是基督教的帖子 宗教有很多 为什么中国人包括华人 满脑子都是基督教 这说明一个什么问题 我是在真正认真考虑自己的宗教信仰 才开始思考的 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆ jadetreeaz (末日救星) 于 (Wed Jan 14 16:16:00 2009) 提到: you are very welcomed to post/discuss about 犹太教, or any other believes/ religions. or maybe you can think about this in a different aspect. if you live in iraq, you might wonder why people does not care
Check out the CountdownLatch in Java. it's just what you needed, and it's fairly easy to implement it with pthread semaphore or what ever synchronization stuff. CyclicBarrier works for you, too.