急问:Heat Pump的AUX灯亮# Livingh*e2010-02-15 08:021 楼室外温度50度左右,室内温度60度,当时HEAT PUMP是开着的指在HEAT上,我将它调到66度,马上启动,而且AUX的灯一直亮着。到了66度后,将其调到68度,AUX的灯就不亮了。这正常吗?谢谢赐教!
C*d2010-02-15 08:022 楼I see no problem. When you first change T from 60 to 66, the jump is so highso that aux heat is started to get there faster. When you change from 66 to68, the jump is small, so no aux is needed to get there in a reasonableamount of time.