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请问谁用过 Montgomery Mortgage Solutions 的服务?
我在 BankRate.com 上找到他们的信息,打了电话,是目前能找到的最低的 Rate.
而且 no closing cost.
网址在 http://www.montmtg.com 不过我不放心,因为是小公司,请问有谁用过他们的服务? 可不可靠,他们只对 NJ NY 服务
我在 BankRate.com 上找到他们的信息,打了电话,是目前能找到的最低的 Rate.
而且 no closing cost.
网址在 http://www.montmtg.com 不过我不放心,因为是小公司,请问有谁用过他们的服务? 可不可靠,他们只对 NJ NY 服务
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他家的rates很一般。5/1 和 7/1 ARM are much higher than our rates. 网上说 “
No Lender fee" 不是 “no closing cost".
Please also read their Disclaimer.
Disclaimer: Conforming Rates are subject to change without notice and may or
may not vary based upon loan amount, credit score, loan to value ratio,
income, etc.
If you are interested in our rates and fees, please let me know. We are a
bank and underwrite loans in our local office. We usually close a loan
within 3 weeks after receiving your documents.
No Lender fee" 不是 “no closing cost".
Please also read their Disclaimer.
Disclaimer: Conforming Rates are subject to change without notice and may or
may not vary based upon loan amount, credit score, loan to value ratio,
income, etc.
If you are interested in our rates and fees, please let me know. We are a
bank and underwrite loans in our local office. We usually close a loan
within 3 weeks after receiving your documents.
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