If you are working with decent lender, you need to allow them to run your credit. The purpose is to know your debt which will affect how much loan you can get . Lenders can not be dependent on clients' words, rather, they have to rely on third-party information. Some lenders will give you pre-qualification letter without running your credit. For most of cases, sellers will not accept this letter. Yes, it might hurt your credit. So you can wait to see you are almost there. Right lender will provide you very quickly if you can submit your docs quickly.
【在 j*******0 的大作中提到】 : I see why we lost business from you :) : just kidding
14 楼
pat, pat, we did not know each other. It is really a two-way trust in loan financing process. Most of people know that credit score will be affected if hard run occurs. But how much it affects and what are the factors are hard to tell. They are really dependent on the models built up by three credit bureaus. As they constantly change their models due to business needs, you will never know until damage is done. No free meal in this world. Find the one you trust and stick with it is a good choice for a lot of people. With time saved, many people can spend them in more important investment opportunities. Integrity is always important for loan agents. If they do something wrong to attract their clients, they can pray on their clients later.