舞下RFE的难兄难弟们,积极准备,我们最终也会通过的。 我的RFE信昨天终于收到了
我的基本情况: DIY, EB1-A,15篇文章,40次引用,45次审稿(其中有3次
ADJUCTIVE REVIEWER),老三样,引用太弱,用别的东西补充了下,有个联邦政府发给
刊主编。 我没有提引用次数,因为太少;我没有提供PERSONAL STATEMENT,当初以为
有了PETITION LETTER就足够了,也没有提供当前的工作证明,当初以为是EB1A不需要
paragraph是让我补充提供单位的证明信件,但是我不知道the first paragraph移民官
到底要罗索什么,是说我TOTALITY 不够吗?还是他们的摸版RFE都是这样?
The beneficiary intendsto work as a Research inthe field of Environmental
Contamination Remediation.The E11 immigrant classification appliesto
individuals with extraordinary ability inthe sciences, arts, education,
business, or athletics.The individual must demonstratethat they have
sustained national or international acclaim andthat their achievements have
been recognized inthe field of expertise, indicatingthat they are one ofthat
small percentage who has risento the verytop oftheir field of endeavor.The
individual must planto continueto work intheir area of extraordinary ability
and must substantially benefit prospectivelythe United States.To processthe
petition and determine ifthe beneficiary is eligible, additional
information is required. This request provides suggested evidencethat you
could submitto satisfy each requested item. You may submit one, some, or all
ofthese items. Or, you may chooseto submit none ofthem, and instead submit
other evidenceto satisfythe request. You may also explain why or howthe
evidence inthe record alreadyestablishes eligibility. Please note, however,
that you are responsible for providing evidencethat the best showsthe
beneficiary meets all requirement.The evidence must showthat the beneficiary
was eligible forthe requested benefit when you filedthe Form I-140. All non
-English language documents much have an English translation forthe
pertinent parts ofthe documentthat helpto establish eligibility. If you
would like USCIS to consider evidencethat is written in a foreign language,
you must submit English language translations forthe parts ofthe document(s)
that helpto establish eligibility forthe requested benefit.The translator
must certifythat: (1)The translations are accurate and complete, and (2)The
translator is competentto translate fromthe foreign language into English.
Documentation to establish that the beneficiary will continueto work
intheir claimed area of expertise.
It must be shown howthe beneficiary will continue working inthe United
States inthe claimed area of expertise.The petition does not indicatethat
the beneficiary has prearranged commitments for working in this field.The
petitioner failedto provide any evidence. Please submit evidencethat the
beneficiary is comingto the United Statesto continue work inthe field.The
work must be inthe field in whichthe beneficiary has garnered sustained
national or international acclaim andthat their achievements have been
recognized indicatingthat they are one ofthat small percentage who has
risento the verytop ofthe field. Evidencethat may be submittedto satisfy
this requirement includes, but is not limitedto: (1) Letters from current or
prospective employers; (2) Employment contacts; or (3) A Statement fromthe
beneficiary detailing plans on howthey intendto continue work inthe United
States. You must submitthe request information within 84 days fromthe date
of this letter. Failureto do so may result inthe denial of your petition.