你好,首先同一家银行肯定是不行的,因为你在6月份refinance as primary的时候是 默认要occupy那个房子做为primary至少一年的时间的。对于其他银行来说,其实并没 有明文规定是多久,但是个人感觉一般6个月以上是个比较合理的时间。就是说如果是 隔了六个月再买一个primary,银行的接受度approve as primary的可能性比较高。而 在六个月以内,银行approve as primary的可能性比较小,银行会认为risk较高。 如果你一定要现在马上买房的话,要做最坏打算就是会被做成投资房,利率拿不到最好 的。如果不是马上必须买房,建议等到明年初再买。 其他问题欢迎致电咨询。
Yes, you will have the risk to be found out by the current lender that your home is no longer the primary home. According to Freddie Mae & Freedie Mac, you can not claim two primary house in 12 months. Espeically you just finished the primary refinance a few months back, it will be very easy to figure it out by lender by just checking your credit report. Also, when you switch the home insurance from owner to rental, when you switch the address ...etc, they will be the signals for lenders too.