2 楼
Paid intern position, the company will support CPT, long-term interns are
Responsibilities and Duties
As a UI intern at a rapidly growing startup, you will work with modern
Javascript libraries to expand and improve our IoT security dashboard. UI
technologies are changing all the time, and so we have no expectation that
candidates have any specific AngularJS experience; we welcome those with
experiences with other UI technologies.
Experience with these technologies is a big plus.
Qualifications and Skills
Experience developing Javascript SPAs using Angular, React, Ember, Polymer,
or similar
A solid understanding of Javascript design patterns
Knowledge of HTML5 and at least one style language like CSS3, LESS, SASS, or
Experience writing end-to-end and unit tests for Javascript code
The ability to prioritize feature requests, and understand the big picture
underlying the prioritie
Please send your resume to [email protected]
Responsibilities and Duties
As a UI intern at a rapidly growing startup, you will work with modern
Javascript libraries to expand and improve our IoT security dashboard. UI
technologies are changing all the time, and so we have no expectation that
candidates have any specific AngularJS experience; we welcome those with
experiences with other UI technologies.
Experience with these technologies is a big plus.
Qualifications and Skills
Experience developing Javascript SPAs using Angular, React, Ember, Polymer,
or similar
A solid understanding of Javascript design patterns
Knowledge of HTML5 and at least one style language like CSS3, LESS, SASS, or
Experience writing end-to-end and unit tests for Javascript code
The ability to prioritize feature requests, and understand the big picture
underlying the prioritie
Please send your resume to [email protected]
3 楼
4 楼
zebra 2844
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